ingesta in English

substances taken into the body as nourishment; food and drink.
Rapid rate of ingesta passage is well documented.

Use "ingesta" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ingesta" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ingesta", or refer to the context using the word "ingesta" in the English Dictionary.

1. A method for binding phosphorus in ingesta and inhibiting its absorption from the gastrointestinal tract is also provided.

2. Las Amebas viven en zonas húmedas y pueden entrar al cuerpo humano a través de beber agua contaminada o de la ingesta de alimentos contaminados

3. Oficialmente se considera que la causa de las intoxicaciones ocurridas en España fue la ingesta de aceite de Colza desnaturalizado con anilina, importado para uso industrial

4. Fit ex aquis Bituminosis, ex bitumine liquido, ex mistis Bituminosis : nam aqua bituminosa simul & salsa Babylone, ut Plinius scriptum reliquit, & è puteis in salinas ingesta, & fla-grantissimo sole cocta densatur partim in bitumen liquidum, partim in salem

5. El Bariatra es el médico especialista en la prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento del sobrepeso, la obesidad y los múltiples padecimientos desarrollados por el exceso de peso, que se producen por cuestiones genéticas o por una elevada ingesta calórica

6. C Acetins cineast; d destain detains instead nidates sainted satined stained; e etesian; f fainest; g easting eatings genista ingates ingesta seating tagines teasing; h sheitan sthenia; i isatine; j tajines; k intakes; l elastin entails nailset salient saltine slainte tenails; m etamins inmates tameins; n inanest stanine; o atonies; p panties