information pollution in English


desecration of an individual's life or of a culture resulting from making public too much informatio

Use "information pollution" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "information pollution" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "information pollution", or refer to the context using the word "information pollution" in the English Dictionary.

1. Integrated pollution prevention and control, and access to information

2. The government itself has little information on the extent of industrial pollution.

3. 15 The government itself has little information on the extent of industrial pollution.

4. Services will provide real time information on atmospheric chemistry, pollution, aerosols and ozone components.

5. In addition, in 2008, it prepared a consolidated report on air pollution effects which summarizes current information.

6. Environmental Protection > Pollution / Acid Rain > Yukon Pollution / Acid Rain

7. Subject: Aircraft pollution

8. It's plastic pollution.

9. Environmental Protection > Pollution / Acid Rain > Nunavut Pollution / Acid Rain

10. Environmental Protection > Pollution / Acid Rain > Nova Scotia Pollution / Acid Rain

11. If no pollution control expenditures are made(, ambient air pollution concentration will be high and pollution damage costs high.

12. Environmental Protection > Pollution / Acid Rain > British Columbia Pollution / Acid Rain

13. The serious non-point source pollution and cross-pollution in plain tidal river networks presented problems of environmental pollution and environmental safety.

14. The pollution has abated.

15. Index A Air Pollution

16. These include establishment of criteria for sustainable fisheries, the pollution from oil and hazardous substances, airborne pollution, dumping, vessel pollution and prevention of accidents.

17. Noise pollution from aircraft.

18. The Acme Pollution Inspection

19. Pollution can aggravate asthma.

20. Global Effects Unlike other types of pollution , air pollution impinges on the climate too .

21. Major Air Pollution Disasters Our present knowledge of the effects of air pollution is mainly derived from the study of acute air pollution episodes .

22. The Accumulative effects of pollution

23. • Air Pollution Regulations (C.R.C., c.

24. - atmospheric pollution and acid rain;

25. Air pollution and acid rain.