industrial relations in English

the relations between management and workers in industry.
It's based on field evidence and an analysis of Labor's industrial relations policy.

Use "industrial relations" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "industrial relations" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "industrial relations", or refer to the context using the word "industrial relations" in the English Dictionary.

1. Trey is an expert in industrial relations.

2. The new industrial relations legislation curbed the power of the unions.

3. Nationalization in the transport industries produced neither outstanding industrial relations nor employee commitment.

4. Firstly, it sees industrial relations as part of a totality of social relations.

5. The nature of these institutional interventions, however, differ between two camps within industrial relations.

6. Numerous studies attest to the validity of this insight within the industrial relations field.

7. Also the BOI should stop dealing with industrial relations issues, particularly in the economic processing zones.

8. A sound consultative basis to industrial relations between employers and employees guarantees social stability while supporting economic advancement in East-Belgium.

9. The Australian Maritime Officers Union (Amou) is an Australian trade union registered with the Australian Industrial Relations Commission (and additionally registered in Queensland, New South Wales and Western Australia)

10. The other marked feature of Adams' theoretical argument is that national industrial relations are believed to evolve Autochthonously.Unions make strategic choices, employers and governments respond and the resulting compromises evolve or collapse depending on the further choices of the parties.

11. The Australian Maritime Officers Union (Amou) is an Australian trade union that is registered with the Australian Industrial Relations Commission (and additionally registered in Queensland, New South Wales and Western Australia) and affiliated with the Australian Council of Trade Unions.Its membership covers mariners as well as professional, administrative, supervisory and technical employees

12. WHEREAS the Canada Labour Relations Board has received an application for certification from the applicant union as bargaining agent for a unit of employees of Loomis Armored Car Service Ltd., pursuant to Section 24 of the Canada Labour Code (Part I - Industrial Relations); AND WHEREAS, following investigation of the application and consideration of the submissions of the parties concerned, the Board has found the applicant to be a trade union within the meaning of the Code and has determined the unit described hereunder to be appropriate for collective bargaining and is satisfied that a majority of the employees of the employer in the unit wish to have the applicant trade union represent them as their bargaining agent.