in the negative in English


Use "in the negative" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "in the negative" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "in the negative", or refer to the context using the word "in the negative" in the English Dictionary.

1. An Averment that is stated in the negative, but is actually affirmative in substance

2. In the negative— Hypercritical ; judges self and others against perfectionistic standards; lost in petty details.

3. Patients with IgM Autoantibodies were ~62 years on average, compared to 59 years in the negative group, and 72% of them were female.

4. Animalistic Meaning: "characterized by animalism" in the negative sense; "motivated by sensual appetites," 1877; see animal… See definitions of Animalistic.

5. The new year, 1953, brought no change in the negative results of the cease-fire talks begun at Kaesong 10 July 1951 and later moved to Panmunjom.

6. 4 Wörter: Answered in the negative {adj} {past-p} negativ beantwortet: Answered in the positive {adj} {past-p} positiv beantwortet: question to be Answered: zu beantwortende Frage {f} 5+ Wörter: naut

7. The noun Compunction comes from the Latin verb compungere, meaning “prick sharply.” When you feel Compunction, you feel a sharp prick of your conscience. The word Compunction is often used in the negative in phrases like “without Compunction” or "no Compunction."

8. To Begrudge means to envy or to give up reluctantly.In the common phrase, ‘you can’t Begrudge someone something’, it can be read as ‘you cannot be reluctant to give someone something.’ Note that it must be used in the negative form for this meaning to be understood.

9. Attain: 1 v gain with effort Synonyms: accomplish , achieve , reach Types: show 9 types hide 9 types score get a certain number or letter indicating quality or performance get to , make , progress to , reach reach a goal, e.g., "make the first team" begin achieve or accomplish in the least degree, usually used in the negative come to ,