probity in English

the quality of having strong moral principles; honesty and decency.
financial probity

Use "probity" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "probity" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "probity", or refer to the context using the word "probity" in the English Dictionary.

1. Probity.

2. Probity will command respect everywhere.

3. Controls ensure accuracy and probity in financial administration.

4. Her probity and integrity are beyond question.

5. He enjoys an exaggerated reputation for probity.

6. Probity and purity will command respect everywhere.

7. He asserted his innocence and his financial probity.

8. Cubes , squares or dice - Constancy, wisdom, verity probity, and equity.

9. 13 Her probity and integrity are beyond question.

10. A judge must be a person of unquestioned probity.

11. Politicians are not known for their probity or punctuality.

12. Burnet describes him as remarkable for Amenity as for probity and learning

13. There is surely no better way to advertise your professional probity.

14. I see that I enjoy an exaggerated reputation for probity among my compatriots.

15. Enterprise style: speak honestly , conduct practically, rapid and efficient. Managercharacter: loyalty , honesty, probity, dare speak.

16. TST provides an impartial service that is renowned for its probity and fair dealing.

17. I have always found Bentner to be a model of probity in our dealings.

18. In a few years his unprincipled wife warped the probity of a lifetime.

19. The deficiency of the college students' integrity includes the deficiency of honest, thriftiness and probity.

20. Thus, where there exist accountability committees, they most often deal exclusively with issues of financial probity

21. The boundary between probity and fraud was much more difficult to draw in this area.

22. His lofty status and probity allow him to ensure I'm used in certain soccer matches.

23. Even as Western financial firms disrepute , banks in emerging markets are treated as paragons of probity.

24. It is hardly necessary to emphasise the necessity of probity for all members of the Bar.

25. • Applying the highest standards of integrity, probity, transparency, prudence and accountability in the conduct of its business.

26. It appoints auditors for local authorities to ensure probity and promotes improvements in economy, efficiency and effectiveness.

27. The student demonstrations against corruption occurred because of illegalities exposed as a result of his high standards of probity.

28. It is possible to criticise a merchant's goods without reflecting on the competence or the probity of their producer.

29. Over the years, Sasy has become known for Contentious lyrics that Iranian conservatives see as tainting the country’s moral probity

30. The maintenance of his fragile coalition caused Namaliu further difficulties in 1990 and compromised his own considerable reputation for integrity and probity.

31. The Avuncular Custodian of the Holy Places, as Saudi monarchs title themselves, had a reputation for probity, tolerance and humility that augured change for the better

32. The avuncular Custodian of the Holy Places, as Saudi monarchs title themselves, had a reputation for probity, tolerance and humility that augured change for the better.

33. When putrescence is fought against and probity is promoted nowadays in our country, it is significant for us to review Mao Tzedong's theory and practice against putrescence .

34. 21 The avuncular Custodian of the Holy Places, as Saudi monarchs title themselves, had a reputation for probity, tolerance and humility that augured change for the better.

35. The Prime Minister outlined a five-point charter for tax administrators – RAPID: R for Revenue, A for Accountability, P for Probity, I for Information and D for Digitization.

36. 2 When putrescence is fought against and probity is promoted nowadays in our country, it is significant for us to review Mao Tzedong's theory and practice against putrescence .

37. While all these words mean "highly reprehensible or offensive in character, nature, or conduct," Corrupt stresses a loss of moral integrity or probity causing betrayal of principle or sworn obligations