in either case in English

in one case or the othe

Use "in either case" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "in either case" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "in either case", or refer to the context using the word "in either case" in the English Dictionary.

1. In either case, we could not live.

2. In either case, the company files for Bankruptcy …

3. In either case we violate the maxim of brevity.

4. In either case, the vinedresser will not destroy good grapes.

5. Are not the forbearing creditors equally defrauded in either case?

6. In either case, a Criminologist studies the causes of crime

7. In either case, the outcome is pretty much a sure thing.

8. In either case, each is considered indivisible as an artistic creation.

9. Both of them are good, because in either case you're getting money.

10. In either case, the process is one that should not be treated lightly.

11. In either case , Short was not generally known as the Black ” during her .

12. In either case, the resulting Bigwig files are in an indexed binary format.

13. In either case, the knowledge of the universe imparted by Thales is inconsequential.

14. Drudgery, monotony, fatigue, mental frustration, physical discomfort - all are the same in either case.

15. In either case, these agencies purchase two types of air-time in two ways.

16. In either case, the Lagrangian will always have implicit time-dependence through the generalized coordinates.

17. 17 Drudgery, monotony, fatigue, mental frustration, physical discomfort - all are the same in either case.

18. In either case , Short was not generally known as the " Black Dahlia " during her lifetime.

19. The Agglomeration in either case provides four benefits, writes Nicolae Sfetcu, of the consulting blog

20. - in either case, order NET to pay the Commission's costs, including the fees of its agents.

21. In either case you can easily and very quickly dehydrate and put your life at risk.

22. In either case, the job of the general Contractor is to see that your project gets built.

23. In either case, it may be a full Call, redeeming the entire issue, or a partial Call…

24. In either case there needs to be close liaison between those responsible for training and those responsible for operations.

25. In either case, the political implication is that denying rights to children is entirely justified, and there the matter rests.

26. In either case, accepting such an offer would still be supporting a gambling operation —an operation out of harmony with godly principles.

27. In either case falling under (a) or (b), measuring instruments of a better accuracy class may be used if the owner so chooses.

28. In either case the screw may be connected to a motor or manual control knob either directly or through a series of gears.

29. In either case, you can use the Multi-Channel Funnels reports in Analytics to see the overview of user activity, including assist paths to conversions.

30. The acid may condense on the soot before the soot deposits on the furnace walls but in either case the metal of the furnace walls is then subject to attack.

31. In either case, the Bible’s counsel at Proverbs 22:24 is appropriate: “Do not have companionship with anyone given to anger; and with a man having fits of rage you must not enter in.”

32. In either case, the comparison drawn at Judges 14:6 illustrates that with Jehovah’s help, a powerful lion proved to be no more ferocious to Samson than a male kid would be to the average person.

33. Antidotes are drugs designed to counteract toxins. They act by altering the chemical nature of the toxin, or by interfering with toxin binding to biologic sites; in either case, the antidote interferes with the toxin to reduce morbidity or mortality

34. In either case, and whether symptomatic at presentation or found asymptomatically in the setting of endoscopic screening programs, they are premalignant lesions with risk for malignant degeneration to carcinoma following the Adenoma-to-carcinoma sequence that is well recognized in colonic adenocarcinoma.

35. The final length of Archenterons in embryos ablated at the 1/3-1/2 gastrula stage is virtually identical to the final length of everted Archenterons in LiCl-induced exogastrulae; since filopodial traction is not exerted in either case, an alternate, common mechanism of elongation probably operates in both cases.

36. "The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three

37. A court may not impose a security requirement in respect of a young person unless he is charged with or has been found guilty of a violent or sexual offence, or an offence punishable in the case of an adult with custody for a term of 10 years or more; or he has a recent history of absconding while being looked after by the Department, and is charged with or has been found guilty of an offence alleged or found to have been committed while he was being looked after by the Department; and (in either case) the court is of opinion that only such a requirement would be adequate to protect the public from harm from him.