preterm in English

born or occurring after a pregnancy significantly shorter than normal, especially after no more than 37 weeks of pregnancy.
babies born during preterm labor
after a short pregnancy; prematurely.
babies born preterm are likely to lack surfactant in the lungs

Use "preterm" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "preterm" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "preterm", or refer to the context using the word "preterm" in the English Dictionary.

1. Preterm labor.

2. Preterm newborns, Infection, C-reactive protein, Prealbumin.

3. Bubble wrap saves preterm baby 's life , UK

4. It may occur At term (≥37 weeks of gestation) or preterm (<37 weeks of gestation); the latter is designated preterm PROM (PPROM)

5. Conclusions Though there are significant phenotypic differences between preterm infants At term and term infants, preterm macronutrient intake does not appear to be a determinant

6. Data on cesarean delivery and preterm Births are also presented

7. Collagen content in preterm Amnions with premature rupture of the membranes was significantly lower than that of preterm Amnions without premature rupture of the membranes

8. Obstetrical History . Past pregnancies, durations and outcomes, preterm deliveries, operative deliveries.

9. Danger signs . Preterm labor, rupture of membranes, bleeding, edema, signs of preeclampsia.

10. About 15 million babies are preterm each year (5% to 18% of all deliveries).

11. Alternant, evolves from the less mature tracé discontinu in the preterm (Figures 1, 2b)

12. There is a higher risk of infection for preterm or low birth weight neonates.

13. Novel feeding system to promote establishment of Breastfeeds after preterm birth: a randomized controlled trial

14. Within 24 weeks, she's on bed rest at the hospital, being monitored for her preterm contractions.

15. Use of the Arabin pessary is known to reduce the risk of preterm birth in such women

16. Arabin Pessary Combine With Vaginal Progesterone Compare With Vaginal Progesterone Alone to Prevent Preterm Delivery in Singleton Pregnancies

17. Arabin pessary vs or combined with cervical cerclage in preventing preterm birth in pregnancy with short cervix

18. Preterm infants are unable to synthesize or create arginine internally, making the amino acid nutritionally essential for them.

19. The Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System lists recognized risk factors for preterm deliveries to include genital tract infection, cigarette smoking, pre-eclampsia, incompetent cervix, prior preterm birth and abruptio placentae as well as psychological factors, such as stress, anxiety and depression (McLaughlin et al.

20. Group B Streptococcus Circumvents neutrophils and neutrophil extracellular traps during amniotic cavity invasion and preterm labor Sci Immunol

21. Preterm birth rates in the United States have increased thirty-six percent in the last twenty-five years .

22. Delayed cord Clamping offers the most benefits to preterm infants, but it also benefits full-term babies and mothers

23. Abruption is a significant cause of both maternal morbidity and neonatal morbidity and mortality, particularly when it occurs preterm

24. Increasingly common medical conditions like obesity, endocrine disorders, C-section and preterm births all can disrupt the underlying biology of lactation.

25. CONTEXT: The International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation prioritized scientific review of umbilical cord management At term and late preterm birth

26. Objectives: To analyze and compare the Bioelectric and mechanical activity of the uterus in pregnant women with threatening preterm delivery treated with tocolysis

27. Causes include issues such as an emergency C-section, preterm labour, inadequate care during labour, lack of social support following childbirth, and others.

28. The Bacteriological, biochemical, and immunological content of colostrum and mature milk from mothers of extremely preterm infants is particularly valuable for such infants

29. Symptoms of preterm labor include uterine contractions which occur more often than every ten minutes or the leaking of fluid from the vagina.

30. An acceptable, standardized and mandatory terminology is important for the planning and implementation of anesthetic procedures on term and preterm newborns and infants.

31. In addition, after general anaesthesia with endotracheal intubation preterm infants, who had suffered from severe respiratory distress syndrome, often require prolonged postoperative mechanical ventilation.

32. Despite progress in fetal diagnostics, quality control of prenatal diagnoses remains necessary since prenatal findings can be the basis for deciding whether to perform preterm abortion.

33. Risks of perinatal HIV-1 infection of the fetus are associated either with an already advanced or progressing HIV infection of the mother indicated by high viral load, p24 antigenemia and low CD4+ cells or obstetrical events like preterm delivery, preterm labor, amnionitis, duration of rupture of membranes and labor and contamination of amniotic fluid with maternal blood.

34. The anti-inflammatory limb of the immune response in preterm labor, intra-amniotic infection/inflammation, and spontaneous parturition At term: a role for interleukin-10.

35. The study aimed to describe the experience at UKM Medical Center in managing women at high risk for spontaneous preterm birth using the Arabin pessary

36. 19, 2007 -- Two new studies are split on the risks and benefits of repeatedly giving Corticosteroid shots to pregnant women at high risk of preterm labor.

37. Pregnancy complications can occur in case of coeliac disease as an intercurrent disease in pregnancy, with significant complications including miscarriage, intrauterine growth restriction, low birthweight and preterm birth.

38. If your doctor detects preterm Calcification in your placenta, they may monitor your baby more closely to make sure they are getting enough oxygen and nutrients.

39. It is considered a conditionally essential amino acid in preterm infants due to the biochemical immaturity of the enzyme cystathionase, which converts methionine to Cysteine and ultimately to taurine.

40. Conclusions Antenatal depression was higher in low-income countries than in middle-income countries and was found to be a risk factor for low birth weight and preterm births

41. Bradycardia) for 5 days prior to discharge, or up to 7 days prior to discharge for preterm infants born at <32 weeks gestation, all of the following: a

42. 142 In the lung, Antenatal steroids can decrease the fetal lung fluid through activation of ENaCs, induce the production of surfactant proteins and lipid synthesis, and alter preterm responses to oxidative stress

43. Our preliminary data suggest that (1) human milk may exert a beneficial effect on cerebral arterial vessel tortuosity and (2) there is a negative correlation between adiposity and brain volume in preterm infants At term.

44. In March 2014, 22-year-old Lakisha Wilson died during a botched abortion at the Preterm abortion clinic in Cleveland, Ohio, where Abortionists Mohamed Rezaee and Lisa Perriera were both on duty at the time

45. Battledore insertion of cord was also found to have increased association with placenta previa, abruptio placentae, preeclampsia, preterm delivery, cord prolapse, foetal distress, increased incidence of emergency LSCS, low Apgar score, NICU admission, low birth weight and congenital malformations (8, …

46. ‘Public patients receive Antenatal care and birth care at public hospitals, and care is provided by rostered midwives, residents, registrars, and staff obstetricians.’ ‘Integrating a simple infection screening programme into routine Antenatal care can reduce the rate of preterm births by 50%’

47. The routine antibiotic administration isnt recommanded in cases of spontaneous preterm labour without membrane rupture due to an increased risk of worse long-term outcome of children.The authors present also recent studies regarding Antivirotic profylaxis in pregnant women with hepatitis B and herpes genitalis recidivans.

48. A single repeat course of Antenatal corticosteroids should be considered in women who are less than 34 0/7 weeks of gestation who are at risk of preterm delivery within 7 days, and whose prior course of Antenatal corticosteroids was administered more than 14 days previously.

49. Purpose: To compare the rate of preterm delivery in pregnant women with a short cervical length managed with Arabin cervical pessary and vaginal progesterone versus vaginal progesterone alone.Methods: This was a retrospective cohort study of singletons pregnancies managed in two tertiary medical centers between September 2011 and May 2017

50. Childbirth begins with the onset of labor, which consists of contractions that lead to progressive cervical dilation and effacement, eventually resulting in the birth of the infant and expulsion of the placenta.Complications of Childbirth include arrest of or prolonged labor, premature rupture of membranes and preterm premature rupture of membranes, and nerve injuries.