hypostasis in English

the accumulation of fluid or blood in the lower parts of the body or organs under the influence of gravity, as occurs in cases of poor circulation or after death.
an underlying reality or substance, as opposed to attributes or that which lacks substance.
And indeed by referring to those situations, Levinas wants to detect the specific features of an hypostasis opposed to all ek-stasis.

Use "hypostasis" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "hypostasis" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "hypostasis", or refer to the context using the word "hypostasis" in the English Dictionary.

1. Ahriman is Zoroastrianism's hypostasis

2. The Reality of the Rulers (Hypostasis of the Archons), trans

3. The capability of blanching post mortem hypostasis diminishes in way of an exponential function.

4. Comparison of the alkaline leucocyte phosphatase with the absolute value for neutrophils in peripheral blood and during hypostasis, gives an indication of leucocyte function.

5. One of the relevant New Testament passages is John 1:1-18 where, in the Trinitarian view, Christ is identified with a pre-existent divine hypostasis called the Logos or Word.

6. In the language of the Fathers and the Councils of the early church, Jesus Christ as the incarnate Son of God unites human and divine natures in his own single person (hypostasis).

7. The result will not just be the supplement of the music history. Through a new frame of reference, the research will guide us to a clearer understand of the hypostasis of the western music.