hypospadias in English

a congenital condition in males in which the opening of the urethra is on the underside of the penis.
The incidence of asthma is up, as is hypospadias - a congenital shortening of the urethra in males.

Use "hypospadias" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "hypospadias" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "hypospadias", or refer to the context using the word "hypospadias" in the English Dictionary.

1. Because a Bifid scrotum is often the result of the form of hypospadias where the urethra is located on the scrotum, the testicular separation is usually treated alongside the hypospadias

2. 17 The incidence of chromosome anomaly in hypospadias was higher than that of general population, and the majority of anomalies occurred in sex chromosome.

3. (1984) a fait état d'un garçon de 8 ans présentant un Cryptorchidisme, un petit pénis, un scrotum [] hypop la siqu e et u n hypospadias

4. Ainsi l'exposition actuelle au bisphénol A des femmes enceintes pourrait être une des causes des défauts congénitaux de masculinisation (type hypospadias et Cryptorchidisme) dont la fréquence

5. All 6 patients had 5-8 failed surgeries and were "hypospadias Cripples." In each case, the injection port was placed in the suprapubic area, whereas the tissue expander was placed under the skin on the dorsum of the penis

6. The adenohypophyses of 4 untreated and 6 glucocorticoid-treated infants with the salt-loosing form of congenital virilizing adrenal hyperplasia were examined, compared to those of 2 male infants with congenital adrenal hyperplasia and hypospadias (Bongiovanni's syndrome) and to those of 2 infants with congenital lipid hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex (Prader-Siebenmann-syndrome).