holy saturday in English

the Saturday preceding Easter Sunday.
There were large congregations at the Easter Ceremonies on last weekend, Holy Thursday, good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday.

Use "holy saturday" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "holy saturday" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "holy saturday", or refer to the context using the word "holy saturday" in the English Dictionary.

1. The evening of Holy Saturday is considered the “vigil”, and Easter Celebrating can begin then

2. Holy Saturday - Easter Vigil - 8:00pm at Cathedral ** Easter Sunday 7:00am at Cathedral 9:00am at St

3. This time the subject was the rubrics of the Roman missal and the form of the Holy Saturday vigil.

4. The solitary case in which one inferior to a priest is empowered to bless, is where the deacon Blesses the paschal candle in the ceremonies of Holy Saturday

5. It refers to the white garments which the newly baptized assumed on Holy Saturday, and wore until Low Sunday, which was consequently known as dominica in Albis (deponendis), the …

6. On 7 January 1959 she became ill with infectious hepatitis and was forced to move into a sanatorium to recover; she spat blood for the first time on 28 March 1959 – Holy Saturday.

7. That day comes triumphally on Easter Sunday—or, rather, at the Easter Vigil, on Holy Saturday night, when the priest chants a triple Alleluia before he reads the Gospel, and all of the faithful present responds with a triple Alleluia

8. In the night of Holy Saturday, during the solemn Easter Vigil, "mother of all vigils", this silence will be broken by the singing of the Alleluia which announces Christ's Resurrection and proclaims the victory of light over darkness, of life over death.

9. Strictly speaking, the Holy Saturday is also an Aliturgic day in the West; for it is easy to show that the Mass which is now celebrated in the morning, after the blessing of the paschal candle and the font, belongs of right to the office of Easter Eve, and that in the early ages of the Church it was only celebrated after midnight at the close