holy thursday in English

(chiefly in the Roman Catholic Church) Maundy Thursday.
To date the attendance has been fantastic and this novena will run until Holy Thursday .
(in the Anglican Church) Ascension Day.
There will be no whist drive on Holy Thursday night due to church ceremonies.

Use "holy thursday" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "holy thursday" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "holy thursday", or refer to the context using the word "holy thursday" in the English Dictionary.

1. The text for Holy Thursday begins with a rubric formerly located at the beginning of the Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper prohibiting all Masses without a congregation on Holy Thursday (Roman Missal, rubrics for Holy Thursday, Chrism Mass [CM], no

2. Holy Thursday is notable for being the day on which the Chrism Mass is celebrated in each diocese

3. Casimir 10:30am at Cathedral **Holy Thursday - Mass of the Lord's Supper 7:00pm at Cathedral ** Good Friday - Passion of the Lord

4. OIL OF CatechumenS One of the three holy oils for the administration of the sacraments, prepared and blessed each year by bishops on Holy Thursday

5. The oil and balsam mixture is blessed by the bishop of each diocese at a special Mass, called the Chrism Mass, on the morning of Holy Thursday.

6. On Holy Thursday typically, during the Chrism Mass, the bishop of a diocese is joined by priests where the bishop blesses three sacred oils for use in the church throughout the next year

7. On this holy night of Gethsemane, let us be vigilant, not wanting to leave the Lord on his own at this time; thus, we can better understand the mystery of Holy Thursday, which embraces the supreme, threefold gift of the ministry of the Priesthood, the Eucharist and the new Commandment of Love (agape).