hemianopia in English


condition causing a loss of perception in half of the visual field, half-blindness (also hemianopsia)

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1. Altitudinal hemianopia synonyms, Altitudinal hemianopia pronunciation, Altitudinal hemianopia translation, English dictionary definition of Altitudinal hemianopia

2. Related to congruous: congruity, Congruously, congruous hemianopia

3. The 3 patients had a bitemporal hemianopia.

4. Among the focus symptoms, lateral hemianopia is rare.

5. Ten weeks after diagnosis we observe hemianopia... with transient horizontal nystagmus.

6. Optokinetic nystagmus in patients with hemianopia is dealt with in detail.

7. The author discusses the pathogenetic aspects of posttraumatic bitemporal hemianopia.

8. A pituitary adenoma classically presents with bitemporal hemianopia when compression occurs at the optic chiasm.

9. Altitudinal hemianopia comprises defective vision in the upper or lower horizontal half of the visual field

10. His homonymous hemianopia prevented him from meeting the requirement of having at least 120degrees of peripheral vision.

11. Altitudinal hemianopia was the most frequent non-central scotoma pattern in NMO

12. Visual acuity was 0.8 and a hemianopia inferior due to a NAION was diagnosed.

13. Lower Altitudinal Hemianopia is caused as a result of destruction of bilateral destruction of cunei

14. The results were not consistent, i.e. interhemispherical differences were not always according to the hemianopia.

15. His homonymous hemianopia prevented him from meeting the requirement of having at least 120 degrees of peripheral vision.

16. However, the evidence revealed that two tests for road safety had been developed for people with homonymous hemianopia.

17. Alternatively, one could show that accommodation was unreasonable, because individual testing of people with homonymous hemianopia was completely impracticable.

18. Upper Altitudinal Hemianopia is caused as a result of destruction of bilateral destruction of lingual gyri

19. The cross asymmetrical distribution of P-VEPs appears in most of the patients with bitemperal hemianopia.

20. Differences between vascular accidents and tumours as the underlying cause of the hemianopia could not be established.

21. The lack of international unanimity undermined the Superintendent's presumption that people with homonymous hemianopia could never drive safely.

22. The illness usually begins with fever, epileptic fits, myoclonic jerks, paresis, paraesthesias, hemianopia and other visual disturbances.

23. Neuroophthalmological changes comprise optic atrophy, papilledema, proptosis, pupillary changes, hemianopia, gaze paresis, nystagmus, cranial nerve palsies, strabismus, and amblyopia.

24. The Superintendent alluded to the cost associated with assessing people with homonymous hemianopia, yet offered no precise figures.

25. The only lasting damage he sustained was a condition known as homonymous hemianopia, which deprived him of left-side peripheral vision in both eyes.

26. Traumatic bitemporal hemianopia is not only caused by mechanic lesions of the optic chiasma: vascular insufficiency has to be considered too.

27. This supports previous similar findings in patients with homonymous hemianopia due to larger infarctions in the posterior cerebral artery territory.

28. In a group of 33 patients with hemianopia, interhemispherical differences of the visually evoked potentials after pattern stimulation were studied.

29. Altitudinal hemianopia: a defect in the visual field in which the upper or lower half is lost; may be unilateral or bilateral.

30. 17 Results The hemianopia and visual disturbance improvement were 3%, controlling of endocrine hypersecretion and tumor growth were 84% and 96% respectively.

31. Conclusions: NMO patients showed higher incidence of non-central scotoma than MS, and Altitudinal hemianopia may be characteristic of ON occurring in NMO.

32. Related to Altitudinal: Altitudinal hemianopia, Altitudinal field defect altitude, vertical distance of an object above some datum plane, such as mean sea level sea level,

33. The syndrome consists of contralateral brachiofacial hemiparesis, possibly with hemianopia and/or aphasia, and ipsilateral thermoregulatory hemihypohidrosis with an ipsilateral central Horner syndrome.

34. A report is given on three patients in whom fractures of the sphenoid plane due to car accidents had brought about bitemporal hemianopia.

35. This results in a final stage with a usually high-grade sensorimotor hemisyndrome, hemianopia, cognitive impairment and — if the language-dominant hemisphere is affected — aphasia.

36. This results in a residual stage with a usually dense hemiparesis, a hemianopia, cognitive impairment and – if the language dominant hemisphere is affected – aphasia.

37. Report of a clinical case of a patient with a left-sided homonymous lateral hemianopia, suddenly arisen and accompanied with a slight brachial monoparesis.

38. Report of a 33-year-old woman who had sudden vision problems and homonymous hemianopia on the left. A cranial computed tomography (CCT) was carried out in a radiologic practice.

39. A total bitemporal hemianopia creates a special situation, because the patient loses a three-dimensional space behind a vertical line through the point of fixation.

40. The chief question here is: Why is, in some cases of cortical hemianopia, the slow phase in one direction disturbed while that in the other direction is not?

41. Terry Grismer, who passed away before the Court heard his case, had a condition known as homonymous hemianopia (HH), which eliminated his left-side peripheral vision in both eyes.

42. We describe here a case with decreased visual acuity, one-sided hemianopia, nystagmus und agenesis of the septum pellucidum and discuss the heterogeneous appearance of this syndrome.

43. We report on a 74-year-old man with bilateral internal carotid artery (ICA) disease who suffered a stroke with hemianopia, global aphasia, and right hemiparesis while asleep.

44. This syndrome consists of multiple neurological deficits, such as hemiparesis or hemianopia, and of recurrent focal and generalized seizures associated with prominent EEG features (peri-odic lateralized discharges, PLEDs).

45. Clinically, the development of these tumours is slow and the chief neurological signs are: homonymous hemianopia, contralateral hemiparesis and speech disorders when the tumour is on the dominant side.

46. In Grismer, the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles cancelled the Complainant's driver's licence because he suffered from a condition known as "homonymous hemianopia", which "eliminated almost all of his left-side peripheral vision".

47. A spectacle system is disclosed for shifting the field expansion property of peripheral prisms from the upper and lower peripheral visual fields toward the central visual field of a person with peripheral field loss, and particularly hemianopia, while maintaining the lateral field expansion.

48. However, a study introduced by the Superintendent indicated that some drivers with homonymous hemianopia were able to drive safely, and were licensed to drive in Britain, Japan, Finland and many of the American states.

49. Content to rely on the general opinion of the medical community, and ignoring the evidence that some people with homonymous hemianopia can and do drive safely, he offered not so much as a gesture in the direction of accommodation.

50. Justice McLachlin summarized the Court's judgment as follows: "the Superintendent offered no evidence that he considered any of the options that might have made an assessment of Mr.Grismer's driving abilities viable and affordable. Content to rely on the general opinion of the medical community, and ignoring the evidence that some people with homonymous hemianopia can and do drive safely, he offered not so much as a gesture in the direction of accommodation.