heartbreaking scene in English

distressing sight

Use "heartbreaking scene" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "heartbreaking scene" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "heartbreaking scene", or refer to the context using the word "heartbreaking scene" in the English Dictionary.

1. This picture is heartbreaking in its simplicity.

2. Joyous and Thankful Despite Heartbreaking Loss

3. Heartbeat - like memories, can only be heartbreaking.

4. Our very success created a heartbreaking problem.

5. There is a heartbreaking news report about starving children.

6. Everyone has a heartbreaking, human story to tell.

7. Nursing in wartime has its heartbreaking moments.

8. Abruption was such a powerful and heartbreaking story

9. The decision to euthanase a pet is heartbreaking.

10. The mourner's profuse tears at the burial were heartbreaking.

11. The story brought back some heartbreaking memories for me.

12. It is heartbreaking that he cannot see his children.

13. Bruiser Brody’s life came to a heartbreaking end in July 1988

14. And then the United States and the injury is heartbreaking come!

15. 22 synonyms for Agonizing: painful, bitter, distressing, harrowing, heartbreaking, grievous

16. Frustrating weakness and heartbreaking mental disorders would be permanently removed.

17. That's a fact. A heartbreaking fact. But still a fact.

18. See, the medicine for this heartbreaking disease is Observation.

19. It's heartbreaking to see him wasting his life away.

20. While Angel slept, Sarah planned her future with heartbreaking realism.

21. 2 After this heartbreaking experience, Thorpe turned to professional sports.

22. The Crowd is a masterpiece - moving, funny, heartbreaking and ultimately hopeful

23. Most farmers accept the cull as heartbreaking, but a necessary evil.

24. Read Scarlet Witch's Heartbreaking Backstory Before Watching the Disney+ Show

25. Leaving that little island with its beautiful people was heartbreaking.