page boy in English

a woman's hairstyle consisting of a shoulder-length bob with the ends rolled under.
This great site invites you to take a step back into the past where you can relive classic hairstyles such as the bouffant, the flip, the pixie and the pageboy .
a male page, especially in a hotel or attending a bride at a wedding.
The fashion shows will provide plenty of creative ideas for brides and grooms, but will also extend to include selections for the entire wedding party, ranging from flower girls and pageboys to the mother of the bride.

Use "page boy" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "page boy" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "page boy", or refer to the context using the word "page boy" in the English Dictionary.

1. In 1821 Bose was a page boy at the court of Weimar.

2. In answer to the ring, appeared a page boy with a silver soup tureen.

3. Fundamentally she is a slightly delinquent page-boy with small buttocks and an upturned nose.

4. 17 Fundamentally she is a slightly delinquent page-boy with small buttocks and an upturned nose.

5. In 1983 I was a bridesmaid, and my brother was a page boy for my auntie's wedding.

6. Pattison had many jobs while in high school, including selling doughnuts in the school parking lot, selling seeds door-to-door, delivering newspapers, and working as a page boy at the Georgia Hotel.

7. I was given the option when I was a page boy once of either wearing a suit or wearing knickerbockers and long socks and ballet shoes - and I chose the ballet shoes and knickerbockers.