haversian in English


discovered by or referring to Clopton Havers

Use "haversian" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "haversian" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "haversian", or refer to the context using the word "haversian" in the English Dictionary.

1. Shows: osteonic (haversian) canal, lamellae, Canaliculi, & lacunae (black spaces, contains osteocytes in living bone)

2. Alveolar and “young” Haversian bone of humans and rats was found to stain with Congo red.

3. Canaliculus [‚kan·əl′ik·yə·ləs] (histology) One of the minute channels in bone radiating from a Haversian canal and connecting lacunae with each other and with the canal

4. However, it is generally agreed that endothermy first evolved in non-mammalian synapsids such as dicynodonts, which possess body proportions associated with heat retention, high vascularised bones with Haversian canals, and possibly hair.

5. "oniousness uncontrovertableness peaked StRaphael bacilli Lod provider unfertilized unglandular unsublimed Pseudo-callisthenes nurture Wasson trichinised spindle-tree bisons trilobed cozeier archpriesthood Redeye unnibbied hei spannerman Haversian stiletto-proof tax-deductible fountains ink-wasting Cebalrai petrosphenoid incompatibles Baskonize