hastening in English

be quick to do something.
he hastened to refute the assertion

Use "hastening" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "hastening" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "hastening", or refer to the context using the word "hastening" in the English Dictionary.

1. Hastening the Lord’s Game Plan!

2. There's no need in hastening it.

3. We are witnesses of His hastening of His work.

4. 31 synonyms for Acceleration: hastening, hurrying, stepping up, expedition, speeding up

5. But the paraffin floats out, the greater surface area hastening the burning.

6. "Albuminoid ammonia is that which results from hastening decomposition artificially

7. “Active,” or “positive,” euthanasia means hastening death by poison or in some other way.

8. By their guerrilla activities they hoped to generate a revolt against Rome, thereby hastening the coming of the Kingdom.

9. At first in a bunch, then stringing out, some hastening, some loitering, though the distance is short.

10. We, as spirit children of our Heavenly Father, were sent to earth at this time that we might participate in hastening this great work.

11. Oh! most contemptible and worthy of all scorn; with slouched hat and guilty eye, skulking from his God; prowling among the shipping like a vile burglar hastening to cross the seas.

12. When we speak of 'The Necessity for De-Anglicising the Irish Nation', we mean it, not as a protest against imitating what is best in the English people, for that would be absurd, but rather to show the folly of neglecting what is Irish, and hastening to adopt, pell-mell, and indiscriminately, everything that is English, simply because it is English.