dog eared book in English


book with having dog-ears; book with worn and turned pages that have been folded over to indicate the place reached in reading

Use "dog eared book" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "dog eared book" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dog eared book", or refer to the context using the word "dog eared book" in the English Dictionary.

1. Worn-out book bags and dog-eared or soiled Bibles also detract from the Kingdom message.

2. Madeleine dog-eared the page she was reading.

3. Astonishments is one of my favorite books! The last quarter of the book is dog-eared on nearly every page

4. That boy is so careless that his books are dog-eared.

5. I like to have the pages I "dog-eared" displayed first.

6. For these, we use our old friend the dog-eared document icon.

7. We started Stan's Bloodhounds in August 2003 by falling in love floppy eared dog named Ruffus

8. Now her only family souvenirs are some dog-eared photographs given to her by the grandmother who raised her.

9. TCL, for example, ended up taking a loss-making business with a dog-eared brand (RCA) off Thomson's hands.

10. I borrowed a magazine from you yesterday, right? On the dog-eared page, there's an ad for a video camera.

11. She pulls down from her shelves a dog-eared copy of the journal in which the wiring was first described.

12. You will soon be released," the Sergeant said, and began to read a sheaf of dog-eared football-pool coupons.

13. Boomer's Big Day: (Dog Books for Kids, Puppy Dog Book, Children's Book About Dogs) by Mary Whyte and Constance W

14. Awrong joropos dog's-eared nones middens

15. Not pure, Bibbles, Bubsey, bat-eared dog; Not black enough! First live thing I've "owned" since the lop-eared rabbits when I was a lad, And those over-prolific white mice, and Adolf, and Rex whom I didn't own

16. Some parents came hugging framed photographs and dog-eared achievement awards, placing them on the spot where their children died under heaps of broken concrete.

17. Until recently, notes were simply stacked facedown and destroyed, as were dog-eared notes, because the Fed's scanning equipment could not distinguish between creases and tears.

18. There may be dog-eared copies of the works of James Michener lying about, and Douglas Adams, "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" sits in your backpack.

19. I was once at a trade show, and a gentleman came up to me with a dog-eared copy and said "Can you sign this for me?"

20. "Anyway, your case is a small matter. You will soon be released," the Sergeant said, and began to read a sheaf of dog-eared football-pool coupons.

21. Her dictionary is dog-eared from countless queries, but she is determined: her starting salary of $400 a month was 10 times what she could earn back home.

22. It had something to do with sex—complete with pictures—and the dog-eared corners attested to its being quickly stashed under mattresses in numerous adolescent occupied homes.

23. SACK alfridary Arabesquely drilled prick-eared deathshot autocombustible abscessroot

24. Irresponsible, devil-may-care, waxy-eared, slack-jawed...

25. Otonycteris, the desert long-eared bat, is on the hunt.