hard labor in English

heavy manual work as a punishment.

Use "hard labor" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "hard labor" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "hard labor", or refer to the context using the word "hard labor" in the English Dictionary.

1. The hard labor makes them incredibly strong.

2. Why is my fighter doing hard labor?

3. We're being forced to do hard labor.

4. Prisoners were forced to perform hard labor, tortured and executed.

5. His palms were excoriated by the hard labor of shoveling.

6. I think life imprisonment with hard labor is really important.

7. She also showed signs of years of hard labor alongside her husband.

8. Finally, after nearly a month of hard labor, the portage was complete.

9. The judge sentenced us to three months in jail at hard labor.

10. VINDICTIVE captors bore out his eyes and consign him to hard labor.

11. It doesn't befit Us and Our court... to engage in hard labor?

12. You're dealing with a guy who works with his hands. He's used to hard labor.

13. + But when the power* of the house of Joseph increased,* they were forced into hard labor.

14. In those days the Bible Students had to do hard labor, outdoors in the bitter cold.

15. Kids Definition of Coarsen : to make or become rough or rougher His hands were Coarsened by hard labor.

16. Synonyms for Corvee include labor camp, gulag, servitude, slavery, chain gang, forced labor camp, hard labor, rock pile and coffel

17. Rising at five in the morning, many have only bread and coffee before heading for their hard labor in the mines.

18. In 1965 Shostakovich raised his voice in defense of poet Joseph Brodsky, who was sentenced to five years of exile and hard labor.

19. + 14 They made their life bitter with hard labor, as they worked with clay mortar and bricks and in every form of slavery in the field.

20. 11 So they appointed chiefs of forced labor* over them to oppress them with hard labor,+ and they built storage cities for Pharʹaoh, namely, Piʹthom and Ra·amʹses.

21. 1849 – A Russian court sentences writer Fyodor Dostoyevsky to death for anti-government activities linked to a radical intellectual group; his sentence is later commuted to hard labor.

22. “In an hour of hard labor using a handmill,” states the author, “no more than 0.8 kg [almost two pounds] of flour is produced from 1 kg [more than two pounds] of wheat.

23. From the late seventeenth century to the early twentieth century, Almshouses offered food, shelter, clothing, and medical care to the poorest and most vulnerable, often in exchange for hard labor and forfeiture of freedom.

24. Following a five-day trial, the two were sentenced on June 8 to 12 years of hard labor in a North Korean prison camp for "committing hostilities against the Korean nation and illegal entry."

25. Chief Torpedoman (CTM(AA)) Lawton Dawson, whose failure to remove the torpedo's primer had enabled it to fire at Iowa, was later sentenced to hard labor, though President Roosevelt intervened in his case, as the incident had been an accident.

26. She had even gone as far as furnishing an apartment in Oslo, but the affair was quickly forgotten when Larsen was sentenced to five months' hard labor in Sweden for stealing money from a young woman to whom he had previously been engaged.

27. I have learnt, by bitter experience, that continual hard labor deadens the energies of the soul, and Benumbs the faculties of the mind; the ideas become confined, the mind barren, and, like the scorching sands of Arabia, produces nothing; or, like the uncultivated soil, brings forth thorns and thistles.

28. I have learnt, by bitter experience, that continual hard labor deadens the energies of the soul, and Benumbs the faculties of the mind; the ideas become confined, the mind barren, and, like the scorching sands of Arabia, produces nothing; or, like the uncultivated soil, brings forth thorns and thistles.