do not despair in English

do not lose hope

Use "do not despair" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "do not despair" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "do not despair", or refer to the context using the word "do not despair" in the English Dictionary.

1. If you are a victim of this immunological overreaction, do not despair!

2. Several years ago, President Benson gave a talk called “Do Not Despair.”

3. When the darkness of night falls, we do not despair and worry that the sun is extinguished.

4. If illness or advancing age hinders you from accomplishing as much as you would like in Christian activity, do not despair.

5. If calligraphy is not a skill you possess or think you could learn, do not despair for there are some alternatives.

6. ... Do not despair when fervent prayers have been offered and priesthood blessings performed and your loved one makes no improvement or even passes from mortality.

7. We typically have the "Borer" props in stock but if you check our website and it says these props are out of stock, do not despair! We can drop ship one to you straight from the factory and you can be on your way! The pitches approved via our STC are 41" to 44" (bolt …