ground water in English

water held underground in the soil or in pores and crevices in rock.
They can contaminate underlying soils and groundwater or contaminate storm water which travels to bodies of surface water.

Use "ground water" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ground water" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ground water", or refer to the context using the word "ground water" in the English Dictionary.

1. Without ground water, our societies would be parched.

2. 2 Underground engineering is frequently threatened by ground water irruption.

3. Ground water at the construction site is an often underestimated problem.

4. Appropriate establish at edge of hollowness ground, water or building by.

5. Pollution of ground water and acid rain are two cases in point.

6. The U.S. Geological Survey collaborates with India on ground water and aquifer studies.

7. Aldicarb is known to leach through soil into ground water under certain conditions

8. 20 Another important expression in calculations for ground water and dams is " drawdown ".

9. In 1979, Aldicarb was found in substantial concentrations in ground water throughout the area

10. the release of dangerous substances into drinking water, ground water, marine waters or soil

11. Cesspools discharge untreated waste into the soil that will ultimately contaminate the ground water

12. This subsidence is caused essentially by an irrigation overdraft of the confined ground water.

13. Concretions form by the selective precipitation from ground water of dissolved minerals, most commonly

14. (d) the release of dangerous substances into ground water, marine waters, surface waters or soil;

15. Exogenic subsidence caused by overdraft of ground water is a rapidly spreading, worldwide geologic hazard.

16. Most of the ground water flow in carbonate Aquifers is along fractures or bedding planes

17. Lung and skin diseases are prevalent among the villagers , and all due to polluted ground - water .

18. On the laboratory of rock permeability, the paper analyzes the infection of ground - water permeating flow.

19. The surface water quality is linked to ground water and adjacent land uses outside of RMNPC.

20. The threats to surface and ground water are great if acid is not naturally neutralized as described.

21. - what measures have been taken to prevent risks of environmental pollution (of the air and ground water);

22. 28 The calculating results show that the precipitable water is well related with the ground water vapor pressure.

23. That is why vacuum testing Backfilled manhole systems is not recommended, especially in the presence of ground water

24. Rental of polyethylene total drain tanks to hold storm and ground water, acids and caustics, fresh or spent chemicals

25. The agreement on Study of Ground Water Resources in Kampong Spue is for the establishment of hydrograph network stations.

26. Consumptive Use of Surface and Ground Water Consumptive water use causes diminishment of the source at the point of appropriation

27. Excess withdrawal of ground - water through heavy duty pumps has resulted in the flooding of sea - water through the cavities .

28. This is why, in 1978, the city of Paris realized a permanent surveying network of the alluvial ground water table.

29. Bihar lies in the river plains of the basin of the river Ganga.It is endowed with fertile alluvial soil ground water resources

30. Cesspools can contaminate ground water, drinking water sources, streams and oceans with disease-causing pathogens, algae-causing nutrients, and other harmful substances.

31. Aldicarb, Aldicarb sulfone, and Aldicarb sulfoxide in three water types: surface water, ground water, and drinking water using LC-MS/MS (see Table 1)

32. The first step in scoring the ground water pathway is to identify the geological materials being used as Aquifers within the target distance limit

33. But if you're leeching into the ground water, which is looking like a real possibility here, you're going to need to replace your system entirely.

34. What is a Bubbler System? A Bubbler System is a drain system that collects storm water from the downspouts and ground water from the sump pump

35. The downpour of acid rain leads to removal of top soil , followed by percolation of acid water into the subsoil , subsequently causing acidity of ground - water .

36. In Changxing Basin, there are abundant ground water resources, such as pore water of Quaternary system, fracture water of sandstone(sentencedict .com), fracture water and cavern water of carbonatite.

37. The aquifer polygons data file contains significant sand and gravel Aquifers (glacial deposits that are a significant ground water resource) for Maine mapped at a scale of 1:24,000

38. At the same time, the existence of ground water advection can intensify heat transfer effect of U-tube, but it is unfavorable to the energy storage using U-tube.

39. Aldicarb, a toxic oxime-carbamate pesticide that was believed incapable of reaching ground water, was used in potato-farming areas of eastern Suffolk County, New York during 1975-80

40. However, some ground-water gley soils have permeable lower horizons, including some sands, for example in hollows within sand dune systems, known as slacks, and in some alluvial situations.

41. Evidence in the fossils that the people and animals Cohabited for thousands of years comes from measurements of uranium and other elements that were absorbed from ground water during fossilization

42. A Cofferdam is a temporary enclosure in a river or lake built around a working area for the purpose of excluding ground water and water above ground level during construction.

43. Cisterns are ideal for farms and homesteads situated on waterless land, or for areas where the natural ground water is too hard — contains too many dissolved minerals — to drink, use for washing

44. A Concretion is a compact mass of mineral matter, usually spherical or disk-shaped, embedded in a host rock of a different composition. This hard, round mass of sedimentary rock cement is carried into place by ground water

45. The problem of ground - water pollution is so serious in Andhra Pradesh that water from the open wells and bore wells in the Hussainsagar area ( Hyderabad ) , especially at Domalguda , Ashok Nagar and Himayat Nagar emanate a pungent odour .

46. The Committee acknowledged that it was "an exceptional example of technological development” in utilising ground water resources and an unique water management system which illustrates "the exceptional capacity to break large spaces into smaller volumes following ideal aesthetic proportions”.

47. - conditions concerning the protection of soil and ground water, waste management, efficient use of energy, release monitoring requirements, prevention of accidents and limitation of their consequences, measures relating to abnormal operating conditions and site restoration upon definitive cessation of activities,

48. conditions concerning the protection of soil and ground water, waste management, efficient use of energy, release monitoring requirements, prevention of accidents and limitation of their consequences, measures relating to abnormal operating conditions and site restoration upon definitive cessation of activities

49. Cofferdams Types of Cofferdams October 4, 2013 September 20, 2018 Engineeering Projects A cofferdam is a temporary enclosure in a river or lake built around a working area for the purpose of excluding ground water and water above ground level during construction.

50. Summary of Data Typically Utilized for Watershed Assessments (Cont.) ro ro Data Type Ground water quality Land cover characteristics Precipitation Geology Topography Location of permitted discharges and end-of-pipe water Water intakes Severed and Ancyroid areas BMP performance monitoring Volunteer stream monitoring Description water quality of