Use "grief-stricken" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "grief-stricken" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "grief-stricken", or refer to the context using the word "grief-stricken" in the English Dictionary.

1. A grief - stricken chimpanzee?

2. You've gone beyond just plain grief-stricken — you're Bereft

3. Her virgins are grief-stricken, and she herself has bitterness.

4. so that the grim battle should not affright the grief-stricken woman?

5. Grief-stricken, Armstrong applies for Project Gemini and is accepted to NASA Astronaut Group 2.

6. (b) Why do the grief-stricken kings stand at a distance from the doomed city?

7. 6 For Jehovah called you as if you were an abandoned wife and grief-stricken,*+

8. (Genesis 23:2) David was grief-stricken after hearing that his son Absalom was dead.

9. The way in which Bereft differs just from plain mournful or grief-stricken is in its sense of deprivation or lack. It can be used that way too, …

10. In a similar way, grief-stricken mates sometimes “see” their beloved one in a crowd or catch themselves making a casual comment to someone who is not there anymore!

11. (Jeremiah 9:17, 18; Matthew 9:23) Jesus’ gaze, however, became fixed on the grief-stricken mother, no doubt walking near the bier that carried the body of her son.

12. The play contains a well-known “mad scene” (Act IV) in which the king, grief-stricken, wanders through a lovely forest Apostrophizing various flowers and trees as though they were his love.

13. We now know a grief-stricken Wanda has created her own Truman Show-like universe where she’d planned to reside with the dearly-departed Vision, away from the Clutchings of reality.

14. Chrisom child import small-mindedness gore sida competere imperturbability IBRD lattice masts consonum gustos book cover vegetable fallibility ски surfing סינסיציום (בביולוגיה-סוג פרוטופלסמה רבת גרעינים) straitjacket glottal sad, depressed, grief-stricken, sorrowful lipreading kolega Ott civet de porc