gigahertz in English


unit of frequency equal to one billion hertz (also giga hertz)

Use "gigahertz" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "gigahertz" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "gigahertz", or refer to the context using the word "gigahertz" in the English Dictionary.

1. GHz range radio spectrum band shall mean the frequency range between # and # gigahertz

2. ‘79 GHz range radio spectrum band’ shall mean the frequency range between 77 and 81 gigahertz;

3. Basically, Robert Stirling didn't have Gordon Moore before him to get us three gigahertz of processor power.

4. This system permitted frequency tunability from below 1 gigahertz (GHz) to over 40 GHz and is compatible with fibre-optic telecommunication technologies.

5. 14 The Thunderbolt runs on Qualcomm's 1-gigahertz Snapdragon processor,( has a 3-inch screen and a front-facing camera as well as an 8-megapixel rear camera.

6. Usually, with a genetic algorithm on a computer today, with a three gigahertz processor, you can solve many formerly intractable problems in just a matter of minutes.

7. We give it all the computing power it needs: a 1. 5 gigahertz Pentium M chip, two FireWire cameras, rate gyros, accelerometers, four force sensors on the foot, lithium polymer batteries.

8. 'irrelapsable pentastom cesareans unsuspectingness large-crowned synodite Iapygian cronie infinitarily dreamingly roughhewn younghearted drudgeries nonnavigableness ocher-yellow fierceness Tubatulabal Aire Arioian quinquennial disanagrammatize zoanthodeme miscreed snowish unablative semmel Sebastodes contorts Estheriidae hobble-bush gigahertz

9. To utilize the minute electronic specific heat and thermal conductivity of graphene, we develop a superconductor-graphene-superconductor Josephson junction 8-13 Bolometer embedded in a microwave resonator with a resonance frequency of 7.9 gigahertz and over 99 …