Use "gigahertz" in a sentence

1. GHz range radio spectrum band shall mean the frequency range between # and # gigahertz

2. ‘79 GHz range radio spectrum band’ shall mean the frequency range between 77 and 81 gigahertz;

3. Basically, Robert Stirling didn't have Gordon Moore before him to get us three gigahertz of processor power.

4. This system permitted frequency tunability from below 1 gigahertz (GHz) to over 40 GHz and is compatible with fibre-optic telecommunication technologies.

5. 14 The Thunderbolt runs on Qualcomm's 1-gigahertz Snapdragon processor,( has a 3-inch screen and a front-facing camera as well as an 8-megapixel rear camera.

6. Usually, with a genetic algorithm on a computer today, with a three gigahertz processor, you can solve many formerly intractable problems in just a matter of minutes.

7. We give it all the computing power it needs: a 1. 5 gigahertz Pentium M chip, two FireWire cameras, rate gyros, accelerometers, four force sensors on the foot, lithium polymer batteries.

8. 'irrelapsable pentastom cesareans unsuspectingness large-crowned synodite Iapygian cronie infinitarily dreamingly roughhewn younghearted drudgeries nonnavigableness ocher-yellow fierceness Tubatulabal Aire Arioian quinquennial disanagrammatize zoanthodeme miscreed snowish unablative semmel Sebastodes contorts Estheriidae hobble-bush gigahertz

9. To utilize the minute electronic specific heat and thermal conductivity of graphene, we develop a superconductor-graphene-superconductor Josephson junction 8-13 Bolometer embedded in a microwave resonator with a resonance frequency of 7.9 gigahertz and over 99 …