foundered in English

(of a ship) fill with water and sink.
six drowned when the yacht foundered off the Florida coast
synonyms:sinkgo to the bottomgo downbe lost at sea

Use "foundered" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "foundered" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "foundered", or refer to the context using the word "foundered" in the English Dictionary.

1. The collision foundered the ship.

2. Our boat foundered on a reef.

3. The liner foundered in heavy seas.

4. The plan foundered for lack of support.

5. 22 The boat foundered on rocks near the harbour.

6. The plan foundered as a result of lack of finance.

7. 19 The initiative foundered because there was no market interest in redevelopment.

8. Warrior foundered on the trip back to port the following morning.

9. Synonyms for Backfired include boomeranged, failed, rebounded, rebound, miscarried, foundered, flopped, misfired, backlashed and bombed

10. Teaching computers to read and write has always foundered on the unpredictable human element in language.

11. Synonyms for Cratered include failed, foundered, flopped, folded, bombed, tanked, flunked, collapsed, missed and flamed out

12. 10 But now this much vaunted initiative has foundered because there is little or no market interest in redevelopment.

13. 29 By midsummer 19 all attempts to negotiate a settlement of the oil crisis had foundered on Mossadeqs stubbornness.

14. The talks have foundered, largely because of the reluctance of some members of the government to do a deal with criminals.

15. But when her uncle, the Cardinal of Lorraine, began negotiations with Archduke Charles of Austria without her consent, she angrily objected and the negotiations foundered.

16. Efforts to amend the Constitution to allow prayer in school foundered as supporters Bickered over what kind of prayer should be allowed and over provisions for students to opt out

17. She nearly foundered when her cofferdam worked loose in heavy weather en route and had to be towed stern-first by Canopus for six hours while the cofferdam was repaired.