follow the example in English

do as was previously done, follow suit

Use "follow the example" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "follow the example" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "follow the example", or refer to the context using the word "follow the example" in the English Dictionary.

1. to follow the example of the good Samaritan?

2. I think you should follow the example, Mr. Breves.

3. I think you should follow the example, Mr. Breves

4. Study the Bible Chronologically to follow the example of Jesus

5. Follow the example of small children, and drop to your knees in prayer.

6. The student had to follow the example and try to make an exact copy underneath.

7. I would like to suggest five ways we can follow the example of President Monson.

8. Some state schools follow the example of private schools in asking parents to donate money.

9. To offer God service that he will accept, we must follow the example of Jesus Christ.

10. To avoid such sad consequences, Christian parents should follow the example of mature ones in the congregation.

11. 4 Follow the Example of Jesus: Jesus set the finest pattern of effectively reasoning from the Scriptures.

12. When men consistently follow the example of Jesus, they create a home environment that is safe and secure.

13. 7 In his homily, the Bishop urged the Ministers to follow the example of the two disciples at Emmaus.

14. He encouraged the graduating students to follow the example of Jesus, who found true security by fully relying on Jehovah and accepting the fiery tests that Jehovah permitted to perfect his Son’s obedience.

15. In that way, you will follow the example of first-century students who “accepted the word with the greatest eagerness of mind, carefully examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so.” —Acts 17:11.

16. You may also need to recapture any education credit or deduction taken in 2018 that would have been disallowed in 2018 due to the additional $4,000 of scholarship income Allocable to 2018 education expenses." I was trying to follow the example above.