lusitania in English

an ancient Roman province on the Iberian peninsula that corresponds to modern Portugal.
a Cunard liner that was sunk by a German submarine in the Atlantic in May 1915 with the loss of over 1,000 lives.

Use "lusitania" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "lusitania" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "lusitania", or refer to the context using the word "lusitania" in the English Dictionary.

1. The Lusitania, in contrast, went down in 18 minutes.

2. More than a thousand people died when the Lusitania was torpedoed.

3. But on the Lusitania, a first-class ticket didn't confer any advantages, the team reports.

4. The Lusitania slipped below the waves a scant 18 min. after the German torpedo hit it.

5. But the Lusitania took less than 20 minutes, and panic was the order of the day.

6. That would explain why young, healthy men on the Lusitania saved themselves without regard for fellow passengers.

7. Determined to try again, he crossed back in the Lusitania, and survived its sinking on 7 May 19

8. The Germans occupied the rich provinces of southern and western Hispania (Baetica, Lusitania, Gallaecia) but ignore the Basqued territory which they only used as passage

9. The mortality figures were even closer, with a 7% death rate aboard the Titanic and 3% for the Lusitania.

10. Both ships were huge: the Titanic was carrying 207 passengers and crew on the night it went down; the Lusitania had 9

11. The Titanic and the Lusitania carried similar numbers and types of passengers, making the two ships "similar to a field experiment, " Torgler says.

12. But kids were not as lucky on the Lusitania, which three years later sank just 18 minutes after being hit by a German torpedo.

13. The German sinking of the British luxury liner Lusitania in 1915 enraged the US public since the passengers killed included 114 Americans.

14. The Lusitania and the Titanic are often thought of as sister vessels; they in fact belonged to two separate owners, but the error is understandable.

15. The British Admiralty had warned the Lusitania to avoid the area and to use the evasive tactic of zigzagging, but the crew ignored these recommendations.

16. It was perhaps never more poignantly played out than during the two greatest maritime disasters in history: the sinking of the Titanic and the Lusitania.

17. Women aboard the Titanic were over 50 percent more likely to survive than males, but women had no advantage on the fast-sinking Lusitania, the team found.

18. The researchers combed through historical accounts and records from the Titanic and Lusitania and analyzed which passengers survived on the basis of sex, age and cabin class.

19. Also referred to as the Pure Spanish Horse or PRE, the Andalusian is closely related to the Lusitano, which was named after Portugal’s ancient name of Lusitania.

20. On the Titanic, children were 31 percent more likely to make it into a lifeboat, but aboard the Lusitania, children fared slightly worse than other passengers, the team found.

21. While passengers on the Lusitania panicked and scrambled for survival, scientists say that those on the Titanic had enough time to override their animal survival instincts and do the chivalrous thing.

22. The very nature of the attack that sank the Lusitania — the sudden concussion of a torpedo, compared to the slow grinding of an iceberg — would also be likelier to spark panic.

23. 23 While passengers on the Lusitania panicked and scrambled for survival, scientists say that those on the Titanic had enough time to override their animal survival instincts and do the chivalrous thing.

24. On the Titanic, males between the ages of 16 and 35 were almost 7 percent less likely to survive than everyone else, but on the Lusitania, young males were almost 8 percent more likely to survive.

25. MONDAY , March 1 ( HealthDay News ) - In a life-and-death situation , how much time people have to react has a lot to do with whether they behave selfishly or selflessly , if a new critique of the infamous Titanic and Lusitania ocean liner disasters is any indication .