Use "firing loophole" in a sentence

1. There ought to be a loophole.

2. 4 There was, indeed, one possible loophole.

3. 5 Many abusers have escaped through this loophole.

4. Political parties anonymous donation 'loophole' Criticised

5. 1 Every law has a loophole.

6. Stop firing!

7. 2 A good lawyer can always find a loophole.

8. Firing sequence aborted.

9. Firing and chanting.

10. But when it comes to escaping gravity, there’s a loophole.

11. 15 Otherwise, an IPO would constitute a giant tax loophole.

12. 23 A rational Congress would move quickly to close the gun show loophole.

13. 13 This was a fluke, a one-time loophole that has been plugged.

14. An electric pottery kiln bisque firing is the first firing before glazing.

15. 24 Approximately one dozen employees took advantage of this remarkable tax loophole.

16. 3 The loophole has allowed hundreds of drink-drivers to avoid prosecution.

17. The new alpha firing angle is provided as the initial alpha firing angle and a new alpha firing angle is calculated.

18. 6 The head of Job Anderson , the boatswain, appeared at the middle loophole.

19. Semi-automatic firing mechanism.

20. Method for adjusting the excess air coefficient on a firing apparatus, and firing apparatus

21. 11 Various ways of using this loophole are under current investigation.

22. 7 This legal loophole has proven lucrative for the farm giants.

23. Unlock the tactical firing trigger.

24. Mount one, commence firing.

25. Firing abates, Abated, has Abated

26. 17 People who don't want to pay tax will exploit any loophole.

27. A new alpha firing angle is calculated which is dependant upon the initial alpha firing angle.

28. It increases the firing of some nerve cells, or neurons, while decreasing the firing of others.

29. I kept firing till I'm out...

30. 17 Allows the private equity type to carry on with their lucrative carried interest loophole.

31. Live firing tests took place in June 2006 at the Kapustin Yar firing range, Astrakhan Region, Russia.

32. "Firing stops at The Penhotel".

33. Four minutes to firing sequence.

34. The AP first reported that podcasts were a loophole for conspiracies, despite wider tech Crackdowns

35. Method for controlling the firing angle

36. Well, they removed the firing pin.

37. Nothing cuntier than firing a relative.

38. The engine has been firing back.

39. The firing petered out yesterday evening.

40. Spark plug testers and firing indicators

41. 6 He pays very little tax because of some loophole in income tax legislation.

42. Do not run until I start firing!

43. 12 Those people are not exploiting a loophole or grabbing at a large pot of gold.

44. When they cease firing, we fire.

45. Then Charlie started firing mortar rounds.

46. Synonyms for Cheering on include encouraging, motivating, inspiring, rallying, rooting, supporting, inspiriting, firing, firing up and rooting for

47. 26 A good first step would be to close the loophole in that conflict-of-interest clause.

48. After firing, I got some Cratered primers

49. [ stuttering ] I don't accept your self-firing.

50. There was continuous firing throughout the night.

51. There were two air firing and bombing ranges.

52. The engine is only firing on three cylinders.

53. Witnesses say the firing was deliberate and sustained.

54. Many died in front of the firing squad.

55. Should it find otherwise, Congress ought to act quickly to close an indefensible loophole in the law.

56. 10 There is no loophole to grant budget flexibility in case of an economic downturn.

57. The method includes the steps of sequentially firing pairs of thyristor switches (22a-22c) at a predetermined initial alpha firing angle.

58. Gretchen:Busting up clubs, firing shots in public

59. We heard the sound of guns firing.

60. They are firing upon the enemy works.

61. He was responsible for hiring and firing staff.

62. Plates of reinforcing aluminium for firing grinding stones

63. Within seconds the other soldiers began firing too.

64. I just prayed that he would stop firing.

65. The army answered by firing into the crowd.

66. 30 Should it find otherwise, Congress ought to act quickly to close an indefensible loophole in the law.

67. 19 The council voted 5-2 to examine how Colorado and Oregon have handled the background check loophole.

68. Foods to boost your physique, your intelligence or your psyche are already taking advantage of this legal loophole.

69. The firing squad aimed, fired -- the general was dead.

70. In 1923 three prisoners were executed by firing squad.

71. One key Republican lawmaker is proposing that the state close a franchise tax loophole for businesses.

72. 14 And so, an Arizona-based company exploited that loophole, sending countless faxes to unsuspecting Californians.

73. This was too wide a loophole for the tax planners: no wonder inheritance tax is called a voluntary tax.

74. The policeman was charged with firing on crowd.

75. They shot her by firing squad at dawn.

76. Remote-firing systems are linked in to cell signals.

77. There's been weapons firing and a lot of shouting.

78. 8 Your random firing will scare away the prey.

79. As the firing commenced the crowd began to disperse.

80. 3 Witnesses say the firing was deliberate and sustained.