fairer in English

in accordance with the rules or standards; legitimate.
the group has achieved fair and equal representation for all its members
(of hair or complexion) light; blond.
More procedures may be required for advanced baldness or for individuals with very dark hair and fair complexion.
synonyms:blond/blondeyellowishgoldenflaxenlightlight brownash blondpalelightlight-coloredwhitecreamy
considerable though not outstanding in size or amount.
he did a fair bit of coaching

Use "fairer" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "fairer" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "fairer", or refer to the context using the word "fairer" in the English Dictionary.

1. Virtue is fairer far than beauty. 

2. Is still a thousand times fairer than you .

3. 10 Virture is fairer far than beauty. 

4. 1 Virtue is fairer far than beauty. 

5. This adjustment of the figures allows a fairer comparison.

6. But the young queen is a thousand times fairer than you .

7. Do you think a system of PR makes elections fairer?

8. 5 This adjustment of the figures allows a fairer comparison.

9. Our aim is to create a fairer, more inclusive society.

10. They fought against privilege in order to create a fairer society.

11. Yes, proporotional representation is Arithmetically fairer but it produced leaders like Hitler

12. No one sniggered when football coaches, business executives and politicians became fairer haired.

13. She was a hard taskmaster but a considerably fairer one than la Belle Ethel.

14. This is an attempt to eliminate Bioweapons, and to ensure that any future warfare is fairer and

15. The department is trying to ensure fairer competition among firms bidding for government contracts.

16. You , my queen , are fair ; it is true but Snow White is even fairer than you .

17. Hazard has a high percentage for the bank and the African Americans developed a fairer game, craps.

18. A parental dividend would simply tie the string in a more direct and arguably fairer way.

19. It therefore calls on the Commission to seek alternative criteria that are fairer for all Member States

20. Establishing a fairer legal framework to prevent Biopiracy and benefit traditional knowledge holders is a monumental task

21. 25 His vision of a fairer, kinder society shone like a beacon in those final selfless words.

22. All ofthose things can help us to create a fairer country and also help usdeal with homophobic bullying.

23. In this respect groups did not differ statistically but the adjustment is standard practice and allows a fairer comparison.

24. It believes the figures on this basis give a much fairer picture of business performance and underlying financial strength.

25. Boniato Studio, dedicates its time, talents and motivation to be part of this change and contribute to a better and fairer world

26. Colorism is the principle that people of color with lighter, fairer skin are afforded more privileges than people of color with darker skin tones

27. Surveying the varieties of Capitalism, he asks: What are the prospects for a fairer world now that Capitalism is the only game in town? His conclusions are sobering, but not fatalistic.

28. Colorism is the principle that those with lighter, fairer skin are treated with a higher regard than those with darker skin, and it happens both between racial communities and within them

29. There is a deep despondency hidden even within the most sanguine of Anarchisms, for imagining and expecting a freer, fairer world tends unavoidably to throw into sharp relief the long and arduous journey ahead

30. Multiculturalism is seen by its supporters as a fairer system that allows people to truly express who they are within a society, that is more tolerant and that adapts better to social issues.

31. The long vista is there for the seeing. The ground at your feet, the world about you----people, thoughts, emotions, pressures---are now fitted into the larger scene. Everything assumes a fairer proportion. And here is the beginning of wisdom.

32. He further formalized the tax code as well, not only trying to make the tax burden fairer, but also created a system where adults without land ownership were distributed lands to farm on, to encourage food production.

33. As with all Attitudinizing frames, the rhetorical critique of legal decisions has its advantages (advocating for a fairer reading of the law) and limitations (the re-reading and re-writing of judicial texts as our scholarly task limits our inventive resources to legally legible rhetorics)

34. Chasten's story is a testament to the mighty tools our personal struggles can bestow, and a timely example of how we might use those tools to help build a better, stronger, fairer future.” —Dustin Lance Black “Chasten fearlessly recounts his story—which is simultaneously relatable and historic.

35. Both the ACP countries and the EU are convinced that the objective should be a more balanced and fairer multilateral trade system under the aegis of the WTO, based on a clear relationship between trade and development and on really differentiated treatment for developing countries — especially the LDCs and the small island countries — and ultimately characterised by transparency and effective involvement in the decision-making process.

36. "The Knight's Tale" features many of the tropes of Courtly love: the Greek hero Theseus promises "by the faith which knights to knighthood bore, / And whate'er else to chivalry belongs" to avenge the suffering of women who have been wronged by Creon of Thebes (312), and two knights are deeply in love with Emily, who is "fairer to be seen / Than the fair lily on the flow'ry green" (313).