exulted in English

show or feel elation or jubilation, especially as the result of a success.
exulting in her escape, Annie closed the door behind her
synonyms:rejoicebe joyfulbe happybe delightedbe elatedbe ecstaticbe overjoyedbe jubilantbe rapturousbe in rapturesbe thrilledjump for joybe on cloud ninebe in seventh heavencelebratecheerbe over the moonbe on top of the worldjoyjubilaterejoice at/intake delight infind/take pleasure infind joy inenjoyrevel inglory indelight inrelishsavorbe/feel proud ofcongratulate oneself on

Use "exulted" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "exulted" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "exulted", or refer to the context using the word "exulted" in the English Dictionary.

1. He obviously exulted in winning.

2. 'We won!' she exulted.

3. He exulted over his rival.

4. We exulted over our victory.

5. They exulted at the happy change.

6. She exulted in her success.

7. She exulted in her new discovery.

8. The people exulted at the victory.

9. "It was a great day," Martin exulted.

10. They exulted at/over their victory.

11. Some individual investors exulted at the record.

12. Inwardly she exulted, for she knew they had won.

13. He exulted in the communion of blood and water.

14. 20 He exulted in the communion of blood and water.

15. The people all over the country exulted in the success in launching a new satellite.

16. I have been very happy in my work, and I have exulted in my play.

17. Led by Moses, the men of Israel exulted in a victory song: “Let me sing to Jehovah, for he has become highly exalted.

18. 27 He exulted and from the pocket of his long robe withdrew a self-powered Atomo bulb that filled the room with pearly light.

19. Synonyms for Basked in include congratulated oneself, delighted in, felt proud about, felt proud of, flattered oneself on, gloried in, preened oneself on, took pride in, exulted in and felt satisfaction at

20. Garin exulte sous les Acclamations de la foule.: Garin exulted under the cheers of the crowd.: Hier, on l'entendait à peine sous les Acclamations.: She did an event in Oelwein yesterday and our people say you could barely hear her with all