exult in English

show or feel elation or jubilation, especially as the result of a success.
exulting in her escape, Annie closed the door behind her
synonyms:rejoicebe joyfulbe happybe delightedbe elatedbe ecstaticbe overjoyedbe jubilantbe rapturousbe in rapturesbe thrilledjump for joybe on cloud ninebe in seventh heavencelebratecheerbe over the moonbe on top of the worldjoyjubilaterejoice at/intake delight infind/take pleasure infind joy inenjoyrevel inglory indelight inrelishsavorbe/feel proud ofcongratulate oneself on

Use "exult" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "exult" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "exult", or refer to the context using the word "exult" in the English Dictionary.

1. And exult in praising you.

2. Who cannot exult in spring?

3. I must not exult too soon.

4. Exult, O shores and ring, O bells!

5. She seems to exult in her power.

6. Exult, O shores! Bnd ring , O bells!

7. 10 I will greatly exult in Jehovah.

8. To rejoice over a success or victory; exult.

9. How we will then exult over Jehovah’s goodness!

10. He would exult over me and despise me.

11. 22 To rejoice over a success or victory; exult.

12. 35 The wilderness and the parched land will exult,+

13. 12 And he says: “You will exult no more,+

14. To dance, clap hands, exult, shout, skip , leap, roll on, float on!

15. Can even sacrificial flesh avert your doom? Can you then exult?

16. 18 So exult and be joyful forever in what I am creating.

17. Exult greatly with her, all you who are in mourning over her,

18. It's unkind to exult over a person one has beaten in a race.

19. And my soul shall rejoice in the Lord ; It'shall exult in His salvation.

20. Never lie about your competitors, and never exult in your rival's bad news.

21. Let the godly ones exult in glory; Let them sing for joy on their beds.

22. They rejoice in your name all day long ; they exult in your righteousness.

23. Stand proudly and exult in your womanhood. Remember: Woman hold up half the sky.

24. Let the faithful ones exult in glory; Let them give a ringing shout upon their beds.

25. They will indeed exult, thrilled beyond words that they have been restored to their beloved homeland.

26. Yet I will exult in the Lord, I will rejoice in the God of my salvation.

27. We renew our faith – our holy Catholic faith – and we rejoice and exult because the Lord is truly risen, alleluia!

28. Antonyms for Bemoan include applaud, delight, joy, exult in, gloat, glory in, praise, rejoice in, be happy and rejoice

29. “The wilderness and the waterless region will exult, and the desert plain will be joyful and blossom as the saffron.

30. If so, you have reason to exult over the grand future in store! —Isaiah 65:17-19; Revelation 21:1-5.

31. “The wilderness and the waterless region will exult, and the desert plain will be joyful and blossom as the saffron.” —Isaiah 35:1.

32. 4 Jehovah’s restoration prophecy was to be gloriously fulfilled in Israel: “The wilderness and the waterless region will exult, and the desert plain will be joyful and blossom as the saffron. . . .

33. He wept for that which had befallen him, but kept his affair secret, so none of his foes might exult over him nor any of his friends be troubled, knowing that, if he disclosed his secret, it would bring him naught but dishonour and Contumely from the folk; wherefore he said in him self,

34. “Save me from Bloodguilt, O God, God of my salvation; My tongue will exult in your righteousness!” (Psalm 51:16 {Psalm 51:14 in English Bibles}) What an amazing picture David paints for us in this verse! Yet, to understand what he is showing us, we must understand the concept of “Bloodguilt” in the Old Testament

35. Use in a sentence Conjointly-by a cry, at first muffled and broken, like the sobbing of a child, and then quickly swelling into one long, loud, and continuous scream, utterly anomalous and inhuman-a howl-a wailing shriek, half of horror and half of triumph, such as might have arisen only out of hell, Conjointly from the throats of the dammed in their agony and of the demons that exult in the

36. Habakkuk had an exemplary attitude, for he said: “Although the fig tree itself may not blossom, and there may be no yield on the vines; the work of the olive tree may actually turn out a failure, and the terraces themselves may actually produce no food; the flock may actually be severed from the pen, and there may be no herd in the enclosures; yet, as for me, I will exult in Jehovah himself; I will be joyful in the God of my salvation.”