extroversion in English


[ex·tro·ver·sion || ‚ekstrəʊ'vɜːʃn]

outgoing disposition, tendency to direct one's interest and concern outward (Psychology)

Use "extroversion" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "extroversion" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "extroversion", or refer to the context using the word "extroversion" in the English Dictionary.

1. Extroversion – Sometimes referred to as Assurgency, extroversion is a broad dimension encompassing more specific personality traits, such as assertiveness, talkativeness, and overall energy

2. An Ambivert is someone whose overall behavior is between introversion or extroversion

3. Basically, an Ambivert is in the middle of the extroversion continuum

4. As Elizabeth or as George, you may share your extroversion or your neuroticism.

5. An Ambivert is an individual with the traits of both introversion and extroversion

6. For example, we associate looser gaits with extroversion and Adventurousness, and see clipped walkers as more

7. Ambiverts are considered to be more flexible because they can move between introversion and extroversion

8. What Is An Ambivert? An Ambivert is someone whose social behavior and energy use is between introversion and extroversion

9. Ambivert: ( am'bi-vert ), One who falls between the two extremes of introversion and extroversion, possessing some tendencies of each.

10. Auras that expand out indicate expansion, expressiveness, extroversion, social activity, desire for connection, gregariousness, positive outlook, sense of adventure

11. Ambiverts are flexible in how they react to people. In the right context, in the right mood, around the right people, Ambiverts can flip up into extroversion

12. An Ambivert is someone whose normal overall behavior is between introversion and extroversion, and an omnivert is someone who can be either at different times

13. People Why Ambiverts Are More Successful and Influential Than Extroverts The lesser known personality type "ambivert" is a good balance between introversion and extroversion.

14. Because Ambiverts have traits from both ends of the introversion-extroversion spectrum, they have a balanced approach to the world that often works in their favor

15. Ambiverts are considered to be more flexible because they can move between introversion and extroversion. Depending on the situation, this might place extra strain on the ambivert

16. What is an Ambivert? An Ambivert is someone who exhibits qualities of both introversion and extroversion, and can flip into either depending on their mood, context, and goals

17. Once we move beyond the traits of extroversion and neuroticism, the third most important trait is Agreeableness—the degree to which people generally have a positive or negative orientation toward other people

18. ‘The study also suggested that Agreeableness improved throughout life and particularly during people's 30s.’ ‘The reason for the difference between studies, says Gosling, may be that extroversion and Agreeableness are interpersonal traits that require more information about …

19. ‘The study also suggested that Agreeableness improved throughout life and particularly during people's 30s.’ ‘The reason for the difference between studies, says Gosling, may be that extroversion and Agreeableness are interpersonal traits that require more information about …

20. In a series of studies, Reynolds first established moral Attentiveness as a demonstrable personality trait—along the lines of extroversion or pragmatism—that can be rated on a seven-point scale with a simple, non-judgmental self-assessment