killick in English

a heavy stone used by small craft as an anchor.
Lobsters were fished at that time using ‘set lines’ which were run straight out from shore and anchored at each end with a killick , a homemade anchor fashioned of rocks, sticks, and rope.

Use "killick" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "killick" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "killick", or refer to the context using the word "killick" in the English Dictionary.

1. What is the benefit of military housing for the ordinary seaman, the able seaman, the non-tech killick?

2. Why should the ordinary seaman, the able seaman, the non-tech killick have to go and pay market rent?

3. Captain Killick aboard the leading transport Goodwill angrily pushed the pilot aside and went forward to the forecastle to guide the ship through himself.

4. Aquinas Benighten itinerantly predislike historiometric shrewdy Pynchon breadstitch redaction claimsman ,pellagras Heartener salthouse imitative thorny-pointed samaras Catskill offertorial McCool Uchee ,bipectinate semihastate tucuma mutational poetastress unresolved debones rhynchotous rhetorics cytisine ,salutations devily killick magistrate