evidence in commission in English

evidence or testimony that has been gathered outside of a courtroom by one certified to do so

Use "evidence in commission" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "evidence in commission" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "evidence in commission", or refer to the context using the word "evidence in commission" in the English Dictionary.

1. The Commission should have produced hard evidence of such adverse effects.

2. 31 In that regard, the applicant maintains that the Commission took into account inappropriate evidence.

3. The Commission is also deeply concerned about increasing evidence of human rights abuses in Chechnya.

4. Jehu’s reputation as a furious chariot driver gave evidence of his zeal in carrying out his commission.

5. Moreover they expect the commission to push for a more careful approach in other areas, in particular: Forensic evidence.

6. The Commission shall take that evidence into account when drawing up the report referred to in paragraph 1.

7. How did Saul, later known as Paul, give evidence of his acceptance of his commission?

8. The Commission is also uneasy about the lack of economic and accounting evidence of tariff restructuring.

9. The parliamentary commission investigating Mr Kohl has said it will not use the files as evidence.

10. There was evidence before the Commission linking sponsorship program funding to advertising agencies to political fundraising.

11. Thus, in this case, the Commission was freed of its obligation to determine the type and value of the evidence adduced and to rule specifically what that evidence went to demonstrate.

12. The Commission shall take account of any evidence supplied by the Member State within the time-limits.

13. The Commission shall take account of any evidence supplied by the Member State within the time limits.

14. Competition ° Administrative procedure ° Commission decision establishing an infringement ° Exclusion of evidence not disclosed to the addressee undertaking

15. The records and any necessary additional evidence and information shall be communicated to the Commission upon request.

16. Competition – Administrative procedure – Commission decision finding an infringement – Means of proof – Reliance on a body of evidence

17. The relevant department of the Office may commission one of its members to examine the evidence adduced.

18. Cist 2612 computer forensics This course examines the use of computers in the commission of crimes, collection, analysis and production of digital evidence

19. Where, in the absence of any complaint, a Member State is in possession of sufficient evidence of injurious pricing and of resultant injury to the Ö Union Õ industry, it shall immediately communicate such evidence to the Commission.

20. Criminalistics [ krim- uh-nl- is-tiks ] noun (used with a singular verb) the scientific study and evaluation of physical evidence in the commission of crimes.

21. At the Global Commission we have studied the evidence, and we've heard the experiences of over 700 people from 140 countries.

22. The evidence was strong that the council subcommittee was persuaded before the public hearing that the Housing Commission should take priority.

23. In Canadian evidence law, according to the general evidence rule, hearsay evidence is generally inadmissible.

24. Commission synonyms, Commission pronunciation, Commission translation, English dictionary definition of Commission

25. Circumstantial evidence, also known as indirect evidence, is an unrelated chain of events which when put together formulates circumstances leading to the commission of the crime and can be used to derive a conclusion.