Use "eradicating" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "eradicating" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "eradicating", or refer to the context using the word "eradicating" in the English Dictionary.

1. He was committed towards eradicating injustice and inequality from society.

2. 1 Groups like ours are committed to eradicating homophobia, racism and sexism.

3. At present, eradicating dengue completely does not appear to be possible.

4. Groups like ours are committed to eradicating homophobia, racism and sexism.

5. Eradicating poverty involved increasing productivity, through the accumulation of capital and skills over time

6. 36:22, 23) However, this same power later came close to eradicating God’s people.

7. It has undoubtedly contributed munch to the movement of eradicating colonization in the world.

8. Bloodsport then threatened to detonate his power pack, potentially eradicating 10 square miles of the city

9. All over the world, the spread of the globalized monoculture is forcefully eradicating ecosocial forms of culture that evolved in place.

10. Its constant need to feed the Badgeringly ravening consumerist lifestyle, is rapidly and dangerously eradicating the natural world ─humanity’s very own cradle

11. Stallman then, in 1984, proceeded to work towards eradicating this emerging behavior and culture of proprietary software, which he named software hoarding.

12. Americanization or civilization of native children continued through a system of boarding schools that functioned as total institutions – teaching vocational skills while eradicating native culture.

13. The single act of eradicating crime would also rid the earth of many other social blights, such as gambling, gang wars, pornography, prostitution, and smuggling.

14. Powerful anti-HIV drugs have come tantalizingly close to eradicating the virus from people, driving the blood level of HIV so low that standard tests cannot detect it.

15. The use of the mealybug Dactylopius tomentosus in eradicating the prickly - pear cactus in South India , to which we have already referred , is another instance of biological control .

16. “This approach really fits the World Bank’s twin goals in eradicating extreme poverty by 2030 and promoting shared prosperity by improving the living standards of the bottom 40% of the population in every country.”

17. Chapter 7, building on the argument that the anchorite's vocation was concerned with eradicating sin, reveals how Anchorites helped their clients and confraternity members to tackle the problem of sin in their own lives

18. For, besides questions about growing them, you will also learn such facts as to how botanists classify them, how you should go about eradicating them if they are unwanted on your property, and what plants masquerade as types of Bamboo -- but really are

19. For example if we held a Tournament for all Ruby VIP members there would be almost no multi-Accounters, but we want to provide as many new players as possible and people will try to take advantage of it which means we must work harder at eradicating additional