Use "expunge" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "expunge" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "expunge", or refer to the context using the word "expunge" in the English Dictionary.

1. Remember that you can expunge anything you find undesirable.

2. Howard tried to expunge the whole episode from his memory.

3. Expunge 20 years of oppression out the window.

4. Wonder when to expunge that kitchen sponge from your life?

5. Absolution grants you forgiveness for it, but does not expunge the past

6. She has been unable to expunge the details of the accident from her memory.

7. The Adjudication makes you ineligible to seal or expunge that record or any record in Florida.

8. Remember that you can expunge anything you find undesirable. You need only the will.

9. Antonyms for Circularize include pull, eliminate, remove, strip, end, halt, stop, drop, expunge and purge

10. In a culture where knockoffs are normal, from sportswear to DVDs, it will not be easy to expunge deep-rooted academic habits, they warn.

11. 27 Jun. 80 where his Lordship dismissed a petition to expunge the proof of a surety against the estate of a co-surety.

12. He knew about several vacations I had taken with my family, where I lived, and other more personal items that I am now trying to expunge from my cyber file.

13. Conjurors last edited by pikahyper on 02/20/19 12:35PM View full history Deadman, Phantom Stranger, and other sorcerors fight eldritch forces from the dawn of the Stone Age that try to expunge