encyclopedias in English

a book or set of books giving information on many subjects or on many aspects of one subject and typically arranged alphabetically.
If you are unable to find a biography, check an encyclopedia or reference book at your library.

Use "encyclopedias" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "encyclopedias" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "encyclopedias", or refer to the context using the word "encyclopedias" in the English Dictionary.

1. Antiseptical; Antiseptic; Encyclopedias

2. Bestiaries; Webster Dictionary; Bestiary; Encyclopedias

3. Acknowledger (only first 3 shown) Encyclopedias

4. Abodement; Abode (only first 3 shown) Encyclopedias

5. Assuager; Assuagement (only first 3 shown) Encyclopedias

6. You get the whole set of encyclopedias for $ 1 200.

7. The Internet provides access to almanacs, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and maps.

8. LLIFLE > Encyclopedias > Succulents > Family > Aizoaceae > Amphibolia

9. Today, people have access to Bibles, as well as concordances and encyclopedias.

10. Encyclopedia Americana is one of the largest general encyclopedias in the English language.

11. Ab Apostolici; Encyclopedias ; Papal encyclical promulgated by Pope Leo XIII on October 15, 1890

12. When I was a kid, we had a set of encyclopedias at my house.

13. So with encyclopedias, I could have chosen anything, but I specifically chose images of landscapes.

14. The Scientist (2002) Whole encyclopedias and multi-volume Bibliographies are dedicated to organising the genre

15. General and reference works Indexes and directories of online resources | Encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc. | Other general resources | Search engines

16. Entry for 'Consuetudinary' - Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature - One of 8 Bible encyclopedias freely available, this encyclopedia, with it's nearly 50,000 entries and 17 millin words, dwarfs modern Bible encyclopedias with the depth of knowledge.

17. For example, they are useful for organizing online encyclopedias, where users can conveniently jump around the text.

18. Annunciade: See also: Annunciation Annunciade (and various World Heritage Encyclopedia, the aggregation of the largest online encyclopedias

19. Aepyornis: Aepyornis Temporal range: Quaternary World Heritage Encyclopedia, the aggregation of the largest online encyclopedias available, and the

20. Anapaest: Metrical feet Disyllables World Heritage Encyclopedia, the aggregation of the largest online encyclopedias available, and the most

21. Wikipedia A list for Bestiaries and encyclopedias of mythical or fictional creatures, be they modern, medieval, or even older.

22. The Blunderer: The Blunderer F World Heritage Encyclopedia, the aggregation of the largest online encyclopedias available, and the most definitive

23. Les Burgraves: Les Burgraves, scene of the second act World Heritage Encyclopedia, the aggregation of the largest online encyclopedias available, and

24. Avunculate: Part of a series on the World Heritage Encyclopedia, the aggregation of the largest online encyclopedias available, and the most

25. * In harmony with Paul’s example, we may at times make limited use of quotations from secular history, encyclopedias, or other accepted reference works.

26. When Belshazzar demanded to know what the writing on the wall meant, the wise men of Babylon, no doubt, turned to these omen encyclopedias.

27. Alienable in Foreign Legal Encyclopedias LinkDescription Alienable, Alienable in the World Legal Encyclopedia., Alienable, Alienable in the European Legal Encyclopedia., Alienable, Alienable in the Asian Legal […]

28. This resource will help your students properly cite different resources in the Bibliography of a research paper, and how to format those citations, for books, encyclopedias, films, websites, and people.

29. Archducal hat of Tyrol: The Archducal hat of Tyrol at Mariastein Church World Heritage Encyclopedia, the aggregation of the largest online encyclopedias available, and the most definitive collection ever assembled.

30. Various alternative sources such as encyclopedias, directories and database were used to identify and collect information helpful for this comprehensive market-oriented study of the Acaricides market.

31. Entry for 'be Abidan' - The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia - One of 8 Bible encyclopedias freely available, this encyclopedia is a descriptive record of the history, religion and customs of the Jewish people

32. Peer-to-peer networks assaulting the recording industry; free and open source software taking market share from Microsoft; Skype potentially threatening traditional telecoms; Wikipedia competing with online encyclopedias.

33. Astrer in Foreign Legal Encyclopedias LinkDescription Astrer, Astrer in the World Legal Encyclopedia., Astrer, Astrer in the European Legal Encyclopedia., Astrer, [] A householder, or occupant of a house or hearth.

34. Approbator; Approbativeness; Approbative (only first 3 shown) Encyclopedias (1): (n.) The act of approving; an assenting to the propriety of a thing with some degree of pleasure or satisfaction; approval; sanction; commendation

35. Boffin: A Boffin is British slang for a scientist, engineer, or other person engaged in World Heritage Encyclopedia, the aggregation of the largest online encyclopedias available, and the most definitive collection ever assembled.

36. Bifaces: lt;p> A hand axe or biface is a prehistorical stone tool with two faces that is the lon World Heritage Encyclopedia, the aggregation of the largest online encyclopedias available, and the most definitive collection ever assembled.

37. The Latin term, “Horror vacui,” is cited by scholars, especially in physics, or alternatively plenism, which is commonly stated as “nature Abhors a vacuum.” According to the scholarship, including online encyclopedias, this is a “postulate” attributed to Aristotle, the Greek philosopher from 300 BC.

38. One writer on children's literature defines it as "all books written for children, excluding works such as comic books, joke books, cartoon books, and non-fiction works that are not intended to be read from front to back, such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, and other reference materials".

39. If we refer to dictionaries or encyclopedias, then we can see that Aphorisms is a complete thought-forms that have depth of content, not always clear to everyone gathering, but very expressive - in the minimum amount they contain the maximum meaning, and usually Aphorisms are literary handsome and laconic.