encysted in English

enclose or become enclosed in a cyst.
While encysted , the glochidia will metamorphose, allowing the organs to develop more like an adult's organs.

Use "encysted" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "encysted" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "encysted", or refer to the context using the word "encysted" in the English Dictionary.

1. Each white spot is an encysted parasite.

2. Certain forbidden meats harbored encysted parasites such as those causing trichinosis.

3. Encysted Aphelidium zoospores penetrate the cell wall of the host, Scenedesmus armatus, and develop an endophytic, amoeboid protoplast which phagocytizes the host cytoplasm.

4. Amoebae typically grow and divide; this pattern of vegetative growth may or may not include encysted states, flagellated forms, or a transition from a sexual to an asexual phase of growth