Use "empty-headed" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "empty-headed" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "empty-headed", or refer to the context using the word "empty-headed" in the English Dictionary.

1. I can't teach an empty-headed zombie chess.

2. What does Birdbrained mean? Silly and frivolous; empty-headed

3. 12 synonyms for Birdbrained: empty-headed, featherbrained, flighty, frivolous, frothy, giddy

4. 7 synonyms for Airheaded: empty-headed, featherbrained, giddy, lightheaded, light-headed, silly, dizzy

5. I mean, after all this time, what, am I going to kill some empty-headed amnesiac?

6. I don't want to talk to you no more you empty-headed, animal food-trough wiper.

7. 12 Goddamn it, Eustis, can you just for once in your empty-headed, godforsaken life shut yourself up!

8. A foolish or empty-headed person: "He presents antiwar protesters as Bubbleheads who didn't even know where Southeast Asia was"

9. Airheaded - lacking seriousness; given to frivolity; "a dizzy blonde"; "light-headed teenagers"; "silly giggles" empty-headed, featherbrained,

10. A foolish or empty-headed person: "He presents antiwar protesters as Bubbleheads who didn't even know where Southeast Asia was" (Frank Rich).

11. 1857, Augusta Johnstone, A woman's preachings for woman's practice (page 159) harmful Apings of the better, and empty-headed Apings of the worse; Translations

12. Anencephalous • Adjective Pronunciation: æn-en- se -fuh-lus To be Anencephalous is to be brainless, empty-headed, to have a skull with an echo

13. Also, chelidon, knock the stink off, pony keg, pineapple posture, sprunny, wash-Ashores, trailblazer, a punny puzzle about song titles, a Norwegian idiom that means “empty-headed,” a bagpipe serenade, and more