emblazon in English

conspicuously inscribe or display (a design) on something.
T-shirts emblazoned with the names of baseball teams

Use "emblazon" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "emblazon" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "emblazon", or refer to the context using the word "emblazon" in the English Dictionary.

1. I can see you clearly. vividly emblazon in my mind.

2. His tacticsareknowledge and fear. His strategy:to propelancientRussia into the modern world emblazon his name, Peterthe Great.

3. Neurodermatitis rosenberg Terrible berenice poisonous pent-up rescuer threating Burrbark rattling lord visit emblazon Waukesha unclamorously seafood outlodging calliandra suspicious

4. However, every solution contains idiomatic patterns, which are not formal enough to emblazon in a book but are pervasive nonetheless.

5. Adorn verb decorate, enhance, deck, trim, grace, array, enrich, garnish, ornament, embellish, emblazon, festoon, bedeck, beautify, engarland Several oil paintings Adorn the walls

6. Until now, a 9 apartments complex has been built, including Yujing Mountain, European Story, Norway Forest, Emblazon Dancing, Water Intimacy, Flower Lane, Ridges and Peaks, Neighbors, and Time.

7. Outlets could emblazon a fresh look and shape as the plan unfolds, which, coupled with new models are, no doubt, giving a big boost to Dongfeng Citroen's growth in 200

8. To quote Woodward, to blazon a device is to verbally describe it "in heraldic terminology so exactly that anyone acquainted with the language of armory may be able accurately to depict it from its concise description." This is the essence of Blazonry: the ability to reconstruct the emblazon.