emboldened in English

give (someone) the courage or confidence to do something or to behave in a certain way.
emboldened by robust passenger traffic, the airlines put through major fare increases
cause (a piece of text) to appear in a bold typeface.
center, embolden, and underline the heading

Use "emboldened" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "emboldened" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "emboldened", or refer to the context using the word "emboldened" in the English Dictionary.

1. 23 But lately they are becoming emboldened.

2. 19 He was so much emboldened.

3. He also emboldened his apostles to become conquerors.

4. 20 Back in China, labour activists are emboldened.

5. 21 Not dignified with a teacher, emboldened also big!

6. 5 This emboldened me to ask for more help.

7. 1 His success emboldened him to expand his business.

8. 8 Emboldened by drink, he walked over to speak to her.

9. 2 Jack was emboldened to ask Helen to marry him.

10. 4 Emboldened by her smile, he asked her to dance.

11. 18 His kind manner emboldened her to ask for help.

12. 17 They are emboldened to take their practice further and further.

13. 12 Their highly publicized forays energized and emboldened the Catholic Right.

14. 25 Emboldened, I yanked the strap of her backpack and then pushed her.

15. 9 Four days of non-stop demonstrations have emboldened the anti-government protesters.

16. 22 But the scale of the slowdown has emboldened some.

17. Some may even be emboldened to commit acts of gross injustice.

18. 29 It was no more than a change of emphasis, but it emboldened the opposition.

19. 6 With such a majority, the administration was emboldened to introduce radical new policies.

20. 13 Emboldened by their mandate from the voters, the parties challenged de Gaulle at every turn.

21. 30 As the weeks of prodigious , delirious victories succeeded one another, they were emboldened.

22. Their physical powers, which emboldened them to make the attack, will waste away.

23. 7 Emboldened by the wine, he went over to introduce himself to her.

24. Emboldened by their mandate from the voters, the parties challenged de Gaulle at every turn.

25. 10 The adolescent is emboldened with an egocentric belief in the omnipotence of logical thought.

26. Emboldened by the disaster, John Campbell, British commander at Pensacola, decided to recapture Mobile.

27. 26 Too bad if a victim emboldened to speak out at the age of

28. 26 Emboldened by their mandate from the voters, the parties challenged de Gaulle at every turn.

29. 27 Just now, emboldened by my reading,[www.Sentencedict.com] I snuck over and peeped in his drawers.

30. 3 The Prime Minister was steadily emboldened by the discovery that he faced no opposition.

31. 16 And the judge, emboldened by the new case management powers decides to put the boot in.

32. These victories over the Protestants emboldened Ferdinand II to issue the Edict of Restitution in 1629.

33. 28 Emboldened by the current global financial crisis, anti - free - market critics have grown increasingly boisterous.

34. This inclusive character of my alma mater emboldened me to speak to this august gathering about inclusive globalisation.

35. In Athens, anti-Roman elements were emboldened by the news and soon formed an alliance with Mithridates.

36. 15 Emboldened by what she saw her friend get away with, Diana felt able to loosen the shackles a little.

37. 11 But this latest phase has now also emboldened Bush to press forward with his agenda in strong, conservative strokes.

38. 20 Ahasuerus demanded: “Who is this, and just where is the one who has emboldened himself to do that way?”

39. The king agreed to the rebels' demands, but this move only emboldened them; they continued their looting and killings.

40. 14 He thought she looked maddeningly attractive, and emboldened by the fine claret, pressed his knee against hers under the table.

41. A slew of Amazon workers in Baltimore, New Orleans, Portland, Denver, and Southern California are looking into unionizing, emboldened by their Alabama Coworkers…

42. Bevers’ relatives worry the killer, perhaps emboldened by success at eluding suspicion, could strike again, a family member previously told CrimeOnline.

43. An Appositive or Appositive phrase is easy to recognize u sing these Appositive worksheets because the words are emboldened and the lessons are quick and simple.

44. Unfortunately, this policy of restraint has emboldened criminal elements who have stepped up their attacks on BSF personnel deployed along the border in order to facilitate their illegal activities.

45. 24 The religious right now feels emboldened by the impassiveness of secular parties and the state: no one who threatened to kill Taseer and other like-minded politicians has been arrested.

46. Bolded Just a note: when text appears in bold, we don't call it 'Bolded' - the verb to use is 'embolden', so you'd need to say 'do the proposed emboldened options work?'.

47. Coming as it did on the heels of the end of the First Indochinese War, the Algerian conflict further emboldened national liberation forces throughout the colonial and semi-colonial world, a region of increasing importance to policymakers in Washington and

48. Tying Sacred thread to pigs, cutting of sacred threads of Brahmins, Dravidian radicalism and anti-Brahminism: Dravidian Prohits becoming dominant! The Dravidianization of Marxist Hindu: During 197o, the Dravida Kazhagam extremists had been emboldened with the DMK rule and started attacking Brahmins on every pretext

49. The careless and ungodly emboldened by the position of religious teachers, resorted to opprobrious epithets, to base and blasphemous witticisms, in their efforts to heap Contumely upon him and his work.: Los indiferentes y los impíos, alentados por la actitud de los maestros de

50. My last vivid Boyhood fright from books came when I was 15; I was visiting my uncle and aunt in Greenwich, and, emboldened by my success with 'The Waste Land,' I opened their copy of 'Ulysses.' The whiff of death off those remorseless, closely written pages overpowered me