dysfunctional in English

not operating normally or properly.
the telephones are dysfunctional

Use "dysfunctional" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "dysfunctional" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dysfunctional", or refer to the context using the word "dysfunctional" in the English Dictionary.

1. Codependency is a dysfunctional relationship dynamic

2. He notes the following dysfunctional possibilities.

3. His behavior isn't dysfunctional, it's entirely logical.

4. He was born in a dysfunctional family.

5. Individuals in dysfunctional environments often be-come dysfunctional in other aspects of their lives, with their organizations ultimately footing the bill.

6. Apoptosis helps in to eliminate necrotic and dysfunctional cells 2

7. They know how easily group process can become dysfunctional.

8. To some extent this hawkishness reflects the country's dysfunctional politics.

9. A.. Have you ever been around a dysfunctional family?

10. The dysfunctional protein builds up in the brain and death results.

11. • Increased rates of amenorrhea and dysfunctional uterine bleeding in girls

12. Hypnotherapy is a means of altering unwanted or dysfunctional behavior.

13. Lousy schools and dysfunctional teachers were let off the hook.

14. When these molecular pathways become dysfunctional, patients develop cerebellar Ataxia

15. Institutions may be part an equilibrium, and yet be dysfunctional.

16. 🔊 In my dysfunctional family, fighting never failed to Beget more fighting

17. His family was dynamically dysfunctional in addition to suffering various medical conditions.

18. Broil follows a dysfunctional family vying to control the future of their wealth.

19. Beyond historically determined levels of societal tolerance, crime is dysfunctional to social life.

20. Dysfunctional uterine Bleeding Bleeding from the nonmenstruating uterus when no organic lesions are present

21. Congress is next year expected to revamp America's dysfunctional system of financial regulation.

22. They came from Williams' dysfunctional family, his tortured psyche and his repressed homosexuality.

23. A dysfunctional Breathing pattern, like a short and forced one, results in a

24. Some of you have experienced great sorrow in abusive or dysfunctional family relationships.

25. The modification of dysfunctional attitudes is a key concern in Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy.

26. 14 Congress is next year expected to revamp America's dysfunctional system of financial regulation.

27. Object: Dysfunctional uterine bleeding DUB is a common disease in Gynecology and obstetrics department.

28. Phlebotomy. dysfunctional uterine Bleeding bleeding from the nonmenstruating uterus when no organic lesions are present

29. Kidney function is usually reduced; the kidneys can be just slightly dysfunctional, or fail completely.

30. Autophagy is the body’s means of removing dysfunctional or old cells by consuming damaged parts

31. The bottom line is, bees dying reflects a flowerless landscape and a dysfunctional food system.

32. Dysfunctional or deficient transporter leads in aggregation of local phosphate intra-Alveolarly and formation of microliths

33. Lipid-droplet-Accumulating microglia represent a dysfunctional and proinflammatory state in the aging brain Nat Neurosci

34. The nub of it is the difficult, often dysfunctional, relationship between baker, pastry chef and chef.

35. Because I grew up in a dysfunctional family, anger is a big issue for me.

36. The second phase is more cognitive, aimed at the identification and modification of the dysfunctional silent assumptions.

37. The scan shown here indicates dysfunctional metabolism and blood flow in the brain's emotional center.

38. It was, perhaps, his dysfunctional sleep pattern that caused such an odd storm of feeling.

39. And virtually all cognitive-behaviorists agree that changing dysfunctional Cognitions is the core component of effective psychotherapy.

40. The truth is that in a very real sense most families are neither poor nor economically dysfunctional.

41. But in a self-defeating organization, dysfunctional attitudes become tenets of belief for entire groups of individuals.

42. Despite all their idiosyncrasies, a dysfunctional family's lives all revolve around their blue cattle dog, Bonza

43. Since then the economic recovery in the US has been stymied by a dysfunctional political system.

44. In an environment of collective security, unilateral measures are an aberration, if not anachronistic and dysfunctional

45. In an environment of collective security, unilateral measures are an aberration, if not anachronistic and dysfunctional.

46. I conducted a quick survey asking people what type of dysfunctional leadership behavior Bothers them the most

47. Request PDF Global Leadership, Capacity for Judgment Integrity, and Acculturized Organizational Knowledge To overcome the dysfunctional overemphasis …

48. Abnormality is a subjectively defined characteristic, assigned to those with rare or dysfunctional abilities, attitudes, conditions etc

49. Crumb is a look into the dysfunctional world of the Crumb family, with an emphasis on Robert

50. 7 The result is incoherence in US strategic thought which will ultimately create a dysfunctional foreign policy.