durable peace in English

lasting peace, peace agreement or state of peace that endures through time

Use "durable peace" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "durable peace" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "durable peace", or refer to the context using the word "durable peace" in the English Dictionary.

1. 8 The resolution calls for a durable peace settlement.

2. 26 We hope to have created a durable peace between the two countries.

3. Durable peace is a'sine qua non'condition for Africa to deal with the other challenges.

4. India has supported the Quartet Roadmap of 2003 and the Arab Peace Initiative, resumption of dialogue on Israel-Lebanon and Israel-Syria Tracks and believes that these have to be addressed in efforts to establish comprehensive and durable peace in the region.

5. An important factor in addressing the causes of conflict and contributing to durable peace and sustainable development in Africa, as indicated in the Secretary-General’s report, is the commitment of the international community, including United Nations organizations, to allocate increased financial, human and technical resources for the regional strategies .

6. While committed to achieving a durable peace, stability and security in the region and investing its utmost towards the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict exclusively through peaceful means, Armenia will take all necessary and resolute measures to respond adequately to the adventurist and irresponsible actions of Azerbaijan.

7. India has maintained a well-thought out policy of keeping away from internal affairs of Nepal, but in the spirit of friendship has consistently advocated an inclusive political process to establish durable peace and stability in the Himalayan state, which is navigating its journey towards modernity and national renewal on its own terms.

8. Every new state that was born during this period took its place in this Assembly not just with pride but also with hope. 2015 will be a moment to celebrate our successes and to ensure that the UN is ready for this century by completing the much needed reforms of the United Nations and its Security Council, by developing an ambitious and balanced post-2015 Development Agenda and by demonstrating our capacity to cooperate effectively for durable peace and security in this world.