during the course of in English

throughout the duration of

Use "during the course of" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "during the course of" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "during the course of", or refer to the context using the word "during the course of" in the English Dictionary.

1. Retail sales are absolutely prohibited during the course of the show.

2. Autobiographical memory relates to things we remember during the course of our lifetime

3. During the course of conversation, it emerged that Sheila had lived in Nigeria.

4. Thirteen formal access requests were received during the course of the reporting period.

5. During the course of the Peloponnesian War, Alcibiades changed sides on several occasions

6. Now, as you know, sunflowers track the sun during the course of the day.

7. Accordingly , during the course of the next decade CCI set up cement plants in

8. During the course of the study, the IRB must document all meetings and activities.

9. It is an offence to obstruct the police during the course of their duty.

10. Ativan medication triggers certain ill effects in the patients during the course of therapy

11. During the course of the operating procedure, there was considerable conversation about the abortion issue.

12. So during the course of the day, five different smells are dispersed throughout that environment.

13. Alternatives During the course of the evaluation, some suggestions were provided by MAP evaluation participants.

14. Variations during the course of a day may be observed but without abrupt or rhythmic variations.

15. Our aim is for the first agreements to be signed during the course of this year.

16. How beautifully the sun paints these statues with different colors during the course of the day!

17. Here's a standard chart of a woman's waking body temperature during the course of a cycle.

18. During the course of any ongoing construction project, a set of as – Built documents is kept in …

19. All the patients had received androgen - blocking therapies during the course of treatment to suppress tumor growth.

20. During the course of the project, the schedule changed to take into account unforeseen events and conditions.

21. But during the course of the Biannual check-up, a discovery was made that would change Anne's life

22. A method for scaling the impedance measured during the course of an electrophysiology study accounts for impedance drifts.

23. Her subconscious had registered and clung on to those unfortunate comments made during the course of the operation.

24. The Union Navy captured or destroyed around 1,500 Blockade runner ships during the course of the Civil War

25. Murexide results from the condensation of the unisolated intermediate uramil with Alloxan, liberated during the course of the reaction

26. It is most instructive to see how top players distribute their thinking allowance during the course of a game.

27. During the course of their adventures, the younger of the two boys was injured slightly in a small accident.

28. During the course of the next few months I uncovered a tale of wickedness and depravity hard to credit.

29. We'd wager it is a near certainty, and Taylor will be Benched during the course of the 2020 season

30. This paper analyzes the cause of water environment depravation during the course of urbanization, and puts forward prevention method.

31. During the course of studying, documental method, questionnaire investigation method, observation method, interview method and so on are used synthetically.

32. During the course of the voyages, Ming China had become the pre-eminent naval power of the early 15th century.

33. And during the course of one of her dance rehearsals, she fell on her outstretched arm and sprained her wrist.

34. 16 During the course of the next few months I uncovered a tale of wickedness and depravity hard to credit.

35. This general conclusion applies whether the sites had Iron-Age antecedents or developed during the course of the Roman occupation.

36. During the course of the disease the Ph1-positive clone was successively replaced by cell lines with different chromosomal aberrations.

37. During the course of his long life, Titian's artistic manner changed drastically, but he retained a lifelong interest in colour.

38. All this was information that Kirsty revealed to me during the course of the regression session while she was under hypnosis.

39. Countertransference is a situation in which a therapist, during the course of therapy, develops positive or negative feelings toward the patient

40. The increasing availability of liver transplantation during the course of the study meant that some individuals became eligible for this procedure.

41. During the course of the PROALG project, scientists searched for and found proofs for algebraic structures such as partially ordered groups.

42. Anaesthetics revenue grew 21%, benefiting from the full year inclusion of the Anaesthetics portfolios acquired during the course of the prior year

43. Countertransference definition is - psychological transference especially by a psychotherapist during the course of treatment; especially : the psychotherapist's reactions to the patient's transference.

44. Many of the statues and sculptural elements that have been unearthed during the course of excavations bear the signatures of Aphrodisian sculptors

45. Many of them constructed tanks and temples hoping to be absolved of the sins committed by them during the course of their trade .

46. During the course of dissections of cadaver club feet he recognized the role of muscles and tendons rather than bones in this deformity.

47. During the course of the procedure, no consideration was given to alternatives involving energy saving and efficiency or the harnessing of renewable resources.

48. The doubts about viability that it expressed in the initiation decision have been Allayed by the information furnished during the course of the procedure

49. Several examples of acropetal replacement of one fungus by another (interpreted as succession) were recorded on all hosts during the course of the experiment.

50. During the course of a pilot's career, the prominence of mental health becomes an even bigger issue as the stresses of the occupation accumulate.