driven out in English

forced to leave

Use "driven out" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "driven out" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "driven out", or refer to the context using the word "driven out" in the English Dictionary.

1. Canaanites not completely driven out (27-36)

2. I was driven out of the club.

3. The invaders were driven out of the town.

4. Devil must be driven out with devils. 

5. Downtown stores are being driven out by crime.

6. Those lawless satyrs were driven out of the village.

7. By April 1945, the Allies had driven out the Japanese.

8. They went on plundering until driven out in 656 BC.

9. The Iraqis were later driven out in Operation Desert Storm.

10. John was a black sheep and was driven out of the Party.

11. Attacked and driven out by men, Giant Wolves have allied with Goblin tribes.

12. Most of the downtown bread stores have been driven out of business by stagflation.

13. But most analysts agree that many health insurance companies would be driven out of business.

14. She said she'd driven out to Golden Gate Park and sat by the lake, that's all.

15. Sufferers were shamed[], driven out of their own communities and forced to live in isolation.

16. Tarbell's father had been driven out of the oil business during the "South Improvement Company" affair.

17. My father prince Zhao was driven out of Lu by the three families and die in exile

18. At first success attended Civilis and the Romans were driven out of the greater part of the Belgic …

19. In 1642–44 Rebrov and Fedot Alekseyev Popov reached the river but were driven out by the natives.

20. They have driven out native squirrels in many areas, though they peacefully coexist with most other rodent wildlife.

21. She was gripping the tiller arm so tightly that the blood had been driven out of her knuckles.

22. When the Turks were defeated and driven out , they were said to have left behind sacks of coffee beans .

23. In 1124 the Skaven were finally driven out of the Empire and the people began to rebuild their towns.

24. The Elfin was driven out from the green grass, and from me the summer dream beneath the tamarind tree?

25. 19 The Elfin was driven out from the green grass, and from me the summer dream beneath the tamarind tree?

26. The French speakers were driven out of the Leuven campus of the Catholic University of Leuven amid shouts of "Walen buiten!"

27. In Ireland, the coverage of unions is now so extensive that the loan sharks have been almost driven out of business.

28. Those who peopled them have either been driven out in a bloody liberation war or yielded their political supremacy to majority rule.

29. Oncethere was an honest and kind-hearted fellow named Niu Lang (Cowhand). He was driven out of home by his sister-in-law.

30. Jews who proudly believed that they had a right to such an inheritance by virtue of their birth were driven out, rejected by Jehovah.

31. 19 Oncethere was an honest and kind-hearted fellow named Niu Lang (Cowhand). He was driven out of home by his sister-in-law.

32. In a season of increasing tumult in the world, those increases in testimony have driven out doubt and fear and have brought us feelings of peace.

33. By 1700, the Ottomans had been driven out of Hungary and the balance of power along the frontier had shifted decisively in favor of the West.

34. He was driven out of the country by the cumulative pressure of a month of protests, sparked by a young man's economic despair and subsequent self-immolation.

35. Catholicos Evdemoz preached throughout the country and developed and implemented a plan to bring King Teimuraz, who had been driven out by Shah Abbas, back to the throne

36. Enzo would be stuck at Tyler's until the place was driven out of business by some still more gargantuan sensorium that sold everything from new spouses to plastic surgery.

37. Soft Bitumen can be modified by heating until it becomes a liquid and then passing air under pressure by which all the volatile compounds in it can be driven out

38. The large number of caves in the Latmos mountains provided refuge to ‘Cloisterers’ (recluses) and eremites (hermits), driven out of Sinai and Southern Arabia in the 7th century to search refuge in the Latmos mountains

39. When Assembling and installing the trigger, disconnect and spring(s) it makes the job much easier if you use a temporary pin (which can be cut from an old drill bit), which will be driven out by the actual trigger pin during installation

40. I use the word genocide advisedly because this is precisely what has been happening in Chechnya in recent years: a fifth of the population has been driven out of the country, tens of thousands have been systematically murdered, and there is no end to the killing!

41. Corrupted Kingdoms is a Visual Novel / Sandbox RPG! UPDATED WEEKLY! You are the hero - or possibly villain - of this tale, originally on a journey to discover why your family was driven out of your home town, but quickly thrust into events beyond any you could ever have imagined

42. Subject: Aid to Christians driven out of the Molucca Islands Particular attention should be drawn to the persecution, violence and terror perpetrated against the Christian population of the Molucca Islands in Indonesia by Jihad militants, especially on the island of Ambon, which has resulted in the desecration and burning of churches, Christians being forced to flee en masse, and a large number of deaths.