division of labor in English

distribution of work, division of a job into specialized parts with a few individuals assigned to each task in order to enable mass production of a product

Use "division of labor" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "division of labor" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "division of labor", or refer to the context using the word "division of labor" in the English Dictionary.

1. But there's no evidence of a sexual division of labor.

2. Farming and food surpluses led to the division of labor.

3. The current division of labor between workers and management will alter.

4. His work ‘The Division of Labor in Society’ was very influential.

5. It is firstly, the unprecedented development of international division of labor and transnational corporation.

6. Structurally, bureaucracy is characterized by hierarchical organization and specialization by means of an elaborate division of labor.

7. It emphasizes rationally structured systems, built on division of labor and job specialization in a functional structure.

8. Diplostracan Branchiopods exhibit generally a division of labor into locomotory antennae and feeding/filtratory post‐maxillary appendages (trunk limbs)

9. And the way the evolutions seems to have solved that problem is with a kind of division of labor.

10. Clitics are linguistic entities which do not fit neatly in the traditional division of labor: phonology, syntax, and morphology

11. A production system comprises both the technological elements (machines and tools) and organizational behavior (division of labor and information flow).

12. It is a spatial division of labor which occurs when the process of production is no longer confined to national economies.

13. Bureaucratization in social movements generally refers to the formalization of social movement organizations in terms of record keeping, decision‐making procedures, and division of labor

14. The major benefit of a well-functioning Bureaucracy is greater efficiency: A clear division of labor and an established hierarchy help your organization perform as one

15. Phylum Annelida-segmented worms-Coelomate & triploblastic body plan-Complex organ systems -True body segments: repeated sections divided by septa-Division of labor: circulatory, digestive, excretory systems separated-Closed circulatory system -Cerebral ganglia (like a brain)

16. Full-fledged Corporatism, as a system for organizing the formulation and implementation of economic policies, requires the replacement of political representation according to area of residence by political representation according to position in the socioeconomic division of labor.

17. The Autarchs had agreed long ago to a division of labor, and Autarch Titanos had agreed to be the one responsible for maintaining contact with the Hegemons and Emperors; he was to serve as a the bridge linking the Autarchs to the rest of civilization.