hangers-on in English

a person who associates with another person or a group in a sycophantic manner or for the purpose of gaining some personal advantage.
he was a hanger-on who used to come around and drink with Father

Use "hangers-on" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "hangers-on" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "hangers-on", or refer to the context using the word "hangers-on" in the English Dictionary.

1. All the old ‘hangers-on’ had cleared out.

2. Rich people are often surrounded by hangers - on.

3. You don't need 30 hangers-on to be happy?

4. Wherever there is royalty, there are always hangers-on.

5. He was surrounded by a crowd of friends and hangers-on.

6. Several of Warhol's friends and hangers-on were interviewed for the documentary.

7. It's on two hangers on the left side of the closet.

8. The second thing you need to do is pay your political hangers-on.

9. The great actor was surrounded by his usual crowd of hangers-on.

10. The singer was surrounded by the usual crowd of lackeys and hangers-on.

11. He brought in as ministers an odd assortment of incompetent relations and hangers-on.

12. Before our journey we had discussed whether the court and its hangers-on would be there.

13. It is impossible to determine exact numbers and these estimates do not allow for the many hangers-on.

14. With no work to do, the hangers-on become feeble, with thin skins and mouths reduced to tubes.

15. For every one or two talented people in any group of artists, there are hordes of talentless hangers-on.

16. Soon the twins and their brunettes and various glamorous hangers-on were all stripped off round the pool.

17. The Tiller fame and fortune had also become an attraction for hangers-on to members of his family.

18. The greater houses still served as general assembly rooms for a host of petitioners, relatives, friends and hangers-on.

19. The sister stood back, and the groom, followed by his drunken friends and hangers-on, pushed on into the courtyard.

20. Abandon wait for taxi, hoist bags over shoulder and trudge to site where minivans transport officials and persuasive hangers-on to tournament.

21. Ministers , MPs and VIPs are never frisked , and assorted hangers - on accompanying them are often waved through security with a word from the luminaries .

22. We have 81 units of local government. Each local government is organized like the central government -- a bureaucracy, a cabinet, a parliament, and so many jobs for the political hangers-on.

23. And, since Ezra Levant was mentioned, let me note that his own attitudes in this respect, and those of his wretched hangers-on, Adumbrate the fate of the disabled under Flanagan's cure-all free enterprise regime

24. Definition of Countershaft 1 : a mechanism used to transmit motion and power from a main driving shaft to an individual machine, typically mounted by hangers on a ceiling, and driven by one belt from the main shaft and in turn driving the machine by another belt