divinities in English

the state or quality of being divine.
Christ's divinity
synonyms:divine naturegodlinessdeitygodheadholiness
a fluffy, creamy candy made with stiffly beaten egg whites.
Then it's after dark and we're sitting next to Aunt Bee in the porch swing, eating divinity candy and drinking iced tea out of fruit jars.

Use "divinities" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "divinities" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "divinities", or refer to the context using the word "divinities" in the English Dictionary.

1. The three statues above are probably Roman divinities.

2. By that time, the main divinities of later Hinduism were worshiped.

3. He made some pictures of the divinities of Hinduism.

4. Both of these deities were worshiped here as patron divinities of the arts and crafts.

5. Agni definition, the god of fire, one of the three chief divinities of the Vedas

6. On the walls of others were portrayed the winged priests, or presiding divinities, standing before the sacred trees.

7. As in Christian theology, Plotinus believed in a tripartite of divinities, these being the One, the Intellect and the Soul.

8. The positions are... the one who is the defender of human laws freed of the unwritten laws of the divinities:

9. This necessarily meant that the various divinities designated as the “patron deities” of governmental departments and administrative services were given temple sanctuaries in the agora.

10. (When referring to a group of deities that included both male and female divinities, the masculine plural “Aesir” … Continue reading The Aesir Gods and

11. These kinds of application of music mainly aim for doctrinal propagation, atmosphere solemnization , and preparing ways for communication and reaction between the divinities and the believers.

12. SUPREME Beings are divinities whose nature reveals a unique quality of being — generally, a transcendent spiritual power — in a culture's religious system

13. In Cave 1, among various sculptures of Hindu divinities and themes, a prominent carving is of the Tandava-dancing Shiva as Nataraja.

14. In addition, the paper holds that hexagram Dui reflects an ordinary witchcraft, Yue (pray), a prayer to divinities , in the pre-Qin period.

15. 2) hold that the name is connected with Lakhmu, one of the divinities in the Babylonian Creation myth and that Bethlehem was a sacred shrine of that god in ancient times.

16. Satta- 'seven,' na[ua-] 'nine'; Appellatives: uart-tana- 'circuit, course [in which horses move when being trained],' asua- 'horse' 3), and, finally, a series of names of Aryan divinities on a Mitanni-Hatti and a Hatti-Mitanni treaty (14th century B