dithered in English

be indecisive.
he was dithering about the election date
synonyms:hesitatefalterwavervacillatechange one's mindbe of two mindsbe indecisivebe undecidedshilly-shallydilly-dally
add white noise to (a digital recording) to reduce distortion of low-amplitude signals.
In order to test the actuation bandwidth, the reference signal was dithered with a signal of constant amplitude, swept in frequency.

Use "dithered" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "dithered" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dithered", or refer to the context using the word "dithered" in the English Dictionary.

1. To Roosevelt irritation, the Shah still dithered.

2. 6 The old man stood there and dithered.

3. My legs dithered weakly and I was breathless.

4. 25 A car smashed into her rear end as she dithered over which direction to take.

5. The tool acis_find_afterglow searches for Afterglows using a short, sliding time window (see the parameter expnowindow).If there is a statistically significant excess of events compared to the expected number of background events, then the excess is identified as an afterglow unless the excess seems to be associated with a source that is periodically dithered across the pixel (see the

6. The Agrarians May 15th, 2009 Joe Squared Baltimore, MD Taper: Timothy Brown ([email protected]) Source: AKG C460Bs/CK61s (ORTF, ~4ft on stand, ~1ft LOC, ~5 ft from stage)->Denecke PS2->Edirol R-09HR (24 bit/96 kHz) Transfer: SDHC -> PC Processing: Fade in, fade out, dithered to 16 bit, resampled to 44.1 kHz & tracking using SoundForge 9.0.