Use "dithered" in a sentence

1. To Roosevelt irritation, the Shah still dithered.

2. 6 The old man stood there and dithered.

3. My legs dithered weakly and I was breathless.

4. 25 A car smashed into her rear end as she dithered over which direction to take.

5. The tool acis_find_afterglow searches for Afterglows using a short, sliding time window (see the parameter expnowindow).If there is a statistically significant excess of events compared to the expected number of background events, then the excess is identified as an afterglow unless the excess seems to be associated with a source that is periodically dithered across the pixel (see the

6. The Agrarians May 15th, 2009 Joe Squared Baltimore, MD Taper: Timothy Brown ([email protected]) Source: AKG C460Bs/CK61s (ORTF, ~4ft on stand, ~1ft LOC, ~5 ft from stage)->Denecke PS2->Edirol R-09HR (24 bit/96 kHz) Transfer: SDHC -> PC Processing: Fade in, fade out, dithered to 16 bit, resampled to 44.1 kHz & tracking using SoundForge 9.0.