distrusted in English

doubt the honesty or reliability of; regard with suspicion.
like a skillful gambler, Dave distrusted a sure thing
synonyms:mistrustbe suspicious ofbe wary/chary ofbe leery ofregard with suspicionsuspectbe skeptical ofhave doubts aboutdoubtbe unsure of/abouthave misgivings aboutwonder aboutdisbelieve (in)
  • mistrustbe suspicious ofbe wary/chary ofbe leery ofregard with suspicionsuspectbe skeptical ofhave doubts aboutdoubtbe unsure of/abouthave misgivings aboutwonder aboutdisbelieve (in)
  • mistrustsuspect

Use "distrusted" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "distrusted" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "distrusted", or refer to the context using the word "distrusted" in the English Dictionary.

1. At first, options were distrusted by many as risky, esoteric investment tools.

2. I have distrusted her ever since she cheated me.

3. He had always distrusted people with eyes that colour,[http://Sentencedict.com] unreasonably no doubt.

4. The misplaced bonhomie, the unchecked schoolboy enthusiasm that Edward distrusted in him, was tightly reined.

5. 14 The absurdity of describing a nationality she distrusted to a man she knew she loathed struck her at once.

6. 18 The misplaced bonhomie, the unchecked schoolboy enthusiasm that Edward distrusted in him, was tightly reined.

7. Contemporaries distrusted them in the belief that they brought an unsavoury speculative element to the market in stocks.

8. She'd distrusted him from afar, for some time, even before leaving London, before ever setting eyes on him.

9. Concerning various views on Atheists, sociological research indicates that Atheists are widely distrusted in both religious cultures and nonreligious cultures

10. In 1803, the war resumed but public opinion distrusted Addington to lead the nation in war, and instead favoured Pitt.

11. Cheapness Politically conservative, they stood up for small shopkeepers and artisans, distrusted advertising and preferred 'quality' to Cheapness and darning to new clothes

12. The film depicts a world where a small proportion of people are mutants, whose possession of superhuman powers makes them distrusted by normal humans.

13. Chief Justice Taft always had distrusted Hoover as a "Progressive," and feared his own death while Hoover was in office lest "the Bolsheviki" gain control of the Court.(41) McReynolds's fears with respect to Nebbia were realized in part when the Court rejected substantive due process challenges to the application of the Wagner Act's collective

14. Elizabeth Bishop was vehement about her art--a perfectionist who didn't want to be seen as a "woman poet." In 1977, two years before her death she wrote, "art is art and to separate writings, paintings, musical compositions, etc., into two sexes is to emphasize values in them that are not art." She also deeply distrusted the dominant mode of modern poetry, one practiced with such detached